Oracle® Solaris Cluster System Administration Guide

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Updated: October 2015

Updating a Specific Package

IPS packages were introduced with the Oracle Solaris 11 operating system. Each IPS package is described by a Fault Managed Resource Indicator (FMRI), and you use the pkg (1) commands to perform the SRU update. Alternatively, you can also use the scinstall –u command to perform an SRU update.

You might want to update a specific package to use an updated Oracle Solaris Cluster data service agent.

How to Update a Specific Package

  1. Assume a role that provides solaris.cluster.admin RBAC authorization.
  2. Update the package.

    For example, to update a package from a specific publisher, specify the publisher name in the pkg-fmri.

    # pkg update pkg-fmri


    Caution  -  If you use the pkg update command with no pkg-fmri specified, all installed packages that have updates available are updated.

    If a newer version of an installed package is available and is compatible with the rest of the image, the package is updated to that version. If the package contains binaries that have the reboot-needed flag set to true, then performing a pkg update pkg-fmri automatically creates a new boot environment and after the update you boot into the new boot environment. If the package you are updating does not contain any binaries that force a reboot, then the pkg update command updates the live image and a reboot is not necessary.

  3. If you are updating a data service agent (ha-cluster/data-service/* or the generic data service agent of ha-cluster/ha-service/gds), perform the following steps.
    1. # pkg change-facet facet.version-lock.pkg name=false
    2. # pkg update pkg name

    For example:

    # pkg change-facet facet.version-lock.ha-cluster/data-service/weblogic=false # pkg update ha-cluster/data-service/weblogic

    If you want to freeze an agent and prevent it from being updated, perform the following steps.

    # pkg change-facet facet.version-lock.pkg name=false
    # pkg freeze pkg name

    For more information on freezing a specific agent, see Controlling Installation of Optional Components in Adding and Updating Software in Oracle Solaris 11.2 .

  4. Verify that the package was updated.
    # pkg verify -v pkg-fmri