The DuplicateAndSumbitActor is used to duplicate the scheduled order and immediately submit the order. This actor is located at /atg/commerce/custsvc/order/scheduled/
. Note that before you can submit a scheduled order, the active customer and order must be set. To set the active customer, refer to the
Viewing a Customer section. To set the current order, refer to the Selecting an Order to Work On section.

This actor uses the duplicateAndSumbit actor-chain to identify the template of the scheduled order and then submit it.




The ID of the template scheduled order to immediately submit.

Submitting Scheduled Order Example
curl -L -v -b agent_cookies.txt -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d
"{ \"orderToDuplicate\":\"o100008\"}" "http://localhost:8181/rest/model/atg/

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