This section describes an example of user segment site override rules.

Note: The example in this section is based on Oracle Commerce Reference Store, which is configured to illustrate best practices for setting personalization rules in a multisite environment. For information about installing Commerce Reference Store, see the Commerce Reference Store Installation and Configuration Guide.

Commerce Reference Store ships with four dynamic user segments, each with rules that include or exclude customers based on demographic characteristics. One of these user segments, Young, takes advantage of site-specific override rules to define Young customers differently on different sites. It defines a default rule and two site-specific override rules:

  • The default rule defines Young customers as people whose age is less than 35. CRS Store US uses the default rule.

  • For CRS Home, the default rule is overridden to specify that Young customers are people whose age is less than 40.

  • For CRS Store Germany, the override rule specifies that no customers fall into the Young segment.

The following illustration shows the default rule and two site override rules for the Young segment.

This illustration is described in the preceding text.

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