Oracle® Solaris 11.2 パッケージリポジトリのコピーと作成


更新: 2014 年 9 月

Apache 構成ファイルへの SSL 構成の追加

リポジトリでクライアント証明書ベースの認証を使用するには、集積サーバーの Apache 構成の説明に従って、最初に汎用の集積サーバーの Apache の構成を設定します。httpd.conf ファイルの最後に次の SSL 構成を追加します。

# Let Apache listen on the standard HTTPS port
Listen 443

# VirtualHost configuration for request on port 443
        # DNS domain name of the server, needs to match your server certificate
        # enable SSL
        SSLEngine On

        # Location of the server certificate and key.
        # You either have to get one from a certificate signing authority like
        # VeriSign or create your own CA for testing purposes (see "Creating a 
        # Self-Signed CA for Testing Purposes") 
        SSLCertificateFile /path/to/server.crt
        SSLCertificateKeyFile /path/to/server.key

        # Intermediate CA certificate file. Required if your server certificate
        # is not signed by a top-level CA directly but an intermediate authority
        # Comment out this section if you are using a test certificate or your
        # server certificate doesn't require it.
        # For more info: 
        SSLCertificateChainFile /path/to/ca_intermediate.pem

        # CA certs for client verification.
        # This is where the CA certificate created in step 3 needs to go.
        # If you have multiple CAs for multiple repos, just concatenate the
        # CA certificate files
        SSLCACertificateFile /path/to/ca_cert.pem

        # If the client presents a certificate, verify it here. If it doesn't, 
        # ignore.
        # This is required to be able to use client-certificate based and
        # anonymous SSL traffic on the same VirtualHost.
        # This statement could also go into the <Location> tags but putting it
        # here avoids re-negotiation which can cause security issues with older
        # servers/clients:
        SSLVerifyClient optional

        <Location /repo>
                SSLVerifyDepth 1
                # This is the SSL requirement for this location.
                # Requirements can be made based on various information encoded
                # in the certificate. Two variants are the most useful for use
                # with IPS repositories:
                # a) SSLRequire ( %{SSL_CLIENT_I_DN_CN} =~ m/reponame/ )
                #    only allow access if the CN in the client certificate matches
                #    "reponame", useful for different certificates for different
                #    repos
                # b) SSLRequire ( %{SSL_CLIENT_VERIFY} eq "SUCCESS" )
                #    grant access if clients certificate is signed by one of the
                #    CAs specified in SSLCACertificateFile
                SSLRequire ( %{SSL_CLIENT_VERIFY} eq "SUCCESS" )

                # proxy request to depot running at
                ProxyPass nocanon max=500