Oracle® ZFS Storage Appliance 客户服务手册,发行版 2013.1.4.0


更新时间: 2015 年 4 月

如何在单控制器上更新软件 (CLI)

由于您使用 CLI 登录到设备,所以,如上所述的上载实际上是下载。通过 CLI 使用以下过程更新单控制器上的软件。

  1. 要通过 CLI 将介质下载到设备中,请在 maintenance system updates 中执行 download 命令:
    dory:maintenance system updates> download
    dory:maintenance system updates download (uncommitted)> get
                              url = (unset)
                             user = (unset)
                         password = (unset)
  2. 您必须将 "url" 属性设置为有效的下载 URL。此 URL 可以位于本地网络,也可以位于 Internet 上。URL 可以为 HTTP(以 "http://" 开头)或 FTP(以 "ftp://" 开头)。如果需要用户验证,可以将其包含在 URL 中(例如,"ftp://myusername:mypasswd@myserver/export/foo"),也可以将用户名和密码放在 URL 之外,并设置用户和密码属性
    dory:maintenance system updates download (uncommitted)> set url=
                              url = ftp://foo/update.pkg.gz
    dory:maintenance system updates download (uncommitted)> set user=bmc
                             user = bmc
    dory:maintenance system updates download (uncommitted)> set password
    Enter password: 
                         password = ********
    dory:maintenance system updates download (uncommitted)> commit
    Transferred 157M of 484M (32.3%) ...      
  3. 传输该文件后,会进行自动解压缩和验证:
    dory:maintenance system updates download (uncommitted)> commit
    Transferred 484M of 484M (100%) ... done 
    Unpacking ... done
    dory:maintenance system updates> list
    UPDATE                           DATE                      STATUS
    ak-nas@2009.10.14,1-0-nd         2009-10-14 08:45          AKUP_WAITING

    注 -  注意:如果更新不再适用于系统(因为您已跳过其版本号),则会显示错误消息。

    在这种情况下,您可以设置任何特定于更新的属性,包括应用延迟更新。有关可用于特定更新的属性集的更多信息,请运行help properties命令。用户可控的属性将以 update_ 前缀开头:

    clownfish:maintenance system updates ak-nas@2009.04.03,1-0> help properties
    Properties that are valid in this context:
       version              => Update media version
       date                 => Update release date
       status               => Update media status
       update_zfs_upgrade   => Apply incompatible storage pool update
    clownfish:maintenance system updates ak-nas@2009.04.03,1-0> get
                           version = 2009.04.03,1-0
                              date = 2009-4-3 08:45:01
                            status = AKUP_WAITING
                update_zfs_upgrade = deferred
    clownfish:maintenance system updates ak-nas@2009.04.03,1-0> set update_zfs_upgrade=onreboot
                update_zfs_upgrade = onreboot
    clownfish:maintenance system updates ak-nas@2009.04.03,1-0> 

    设置任意属性后,执行 upgrade 命令。系统将提示您进行确认(假设为肯定)并开始更新:

    dory:maintenance system updates> select ak-nas@2009.10.14,1-0-nd 
    dory:maintenance system updates ak-nas@2009.10.14,1-0-nd> upgrade
    The selected software update requires a system reboot in order to take effect.
    The system will automatically reboot at the end of the update process. The
    update will take several minutes. At any time during this process, you can
    cancel the update with [Control-C].
    Are you sure? (Y/N) y
    Updating from ... ak/nas@2009.10.11,1-0
    Backing up smf(5) ... done.
    Loading media metadata ... done.
    Selecting alternate product ... SUNW,iwashi
    Installing Sun Storage 7120 2009.10.14,1-0
    Creating system/boot/ak-nas-2009.10.14_1-0 ... done.
    Creating system/root/ak-nas-2009.10.14_1-0 ... done.

    更新进行过程中,将显示最新的消息。通过按 ^C 可以随时取消升级,取消时系统将提示您进行确认:

    Updating from ... ak/nas@2009.10.11,1-0
    Backing up smf(5) ... done.
    Loading media metadata ... ^C
    This will cancel the current update. Are you sure? (Y/N) y
    error: interrupted by user
    dory:maintenance system updates ak-nas@2009.10.14,1-0-nd>