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Guía de administración de los servidores serie SPARC M7

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Actualización: Octubre de 2015

Detección de fallos (Oracle ILOM)

Si bien el shell de FMA es el método preferido para ver información detallada de fallos, puede usar Oracle ILOM para ver un resumen de los fallos, los problemas abiertos y el estado general del servidor.

  1. Inicie sesión en Oracle ILOM.

    Consulte Inicio de sesión en Oracle ILOM (CLI).

  2. Visualice los fallos.
    -> show faulty
    Target                           | Property                           | Value
    /SP/faultmgmt/0                  | fru                                | /SYS
    /SP/faultmgmt/0/faults/0         | class                              | fault.chassis.power.missing
    /SP/faultmgmt/0/faults/0         | sunw-msg-id                        | SPT-8000-7J
    /SP/faultmgmt/0/faults/0         | component                          | /SYS/PS3
    /SP/faultmgmt/0/faults/0         | uuid                               | ebb41093-b3bd-c05b-98eb-dfdc7ef87e18
    /SP/faultmgmt/0/faults/0         | timestamp                          | 2015-09-27/12:04:55
    /SP/faultmgmt/0/faults/0         | fru_serial_number                  | AK00185563
    /SP/faultmgmt/0/faults/0         | fru_part_number                    | 32397572+5+1
    /SP/faultmgmt/0/faults/0         | fru_name                           | SPARC M7-8
    /SP/faultmgmt/0/faults/0         | fru_manufacturer                   | Oracle Corporation
    /SP/faultmgmt/0/faults/0         | system_component_manufacturer      | Oracle Corporation
    /SP/faultmgmt/0/faults/0         | system_component_name              | SPARC M7-8
    /SP/faultmgmt/0/faults/0         | system_component_part_number       | 32397572+5+1
    /SP/faultmgmt/0/faults/0         | system_component_serial_number     | AK00185563
    /SP/faultmgmt/0/faults/0         | chassis_manufacturer               | Oracle Corporation
    /SP/faultmgmt/0/faults/0         | chassis_name                       | SPARC M7-8
    /SP/faultmgmt/0/faults/0         | chassis_part_number                | 32397572+5+1
    /SP/faultmgmt/0/faults/0         | chassis_serial_number              | AK00185563
    /SP/faultmgmt/0/faults/0         | system_manufacturer                | Oracle Corporation
    /SP/faultmgmt/0/faults/0         | system_name                        | SPARC M7-8
    /SP/faultmgmt/0/faults/0         | system_part_number                 | 7087407
    /SP/faultmgmt/0/faults/0         | system_serial_number               | AK00180227
  3. Visualice los problemas abiertos.
    -> show /System/Open_Problems
    Open Problems (5)
    Date/Time                 Subsystems          Component
    ------------------------  ------------------  ------------
    Fri Sep 27 12:04:55 2015  Cooling, Power      /System (Host System)
            A power supply unit is absent. (Probability:100, UUID:ebb41093-b3bd-c05b-98eb-dfdc7ef87e18, Resource:/SYS/PS3,
            Part Number:7087407, Serial Number:AK00180227, Reference 
    Fri Sep 27 12:04:56 2015  Cooling, Power      /System (Host System)
            A power supply unit is absent. (Probability:100, UUID:52bb334b-28cc-ce2b-d508-eeca5822d0b0, Resource:/SYS/PS5,
            Part Number:7087407, Serial Number:AK00180227, Reference 
    Fri Sep 27 12:04:56 2015  Cooling, Power      /System (Host System)
            A power supply unit is absent. (Probability:100, UUID:388a8916-3257-ea2a-c7b7-b62bf2f210f8, Resource:/SYS/PS1,
            Part Number:7087407, Serial Number:AK00180227, Reference 
    Mon Sep 27 09:43:13 2015  Domain Configuration Unit  CMIOU1 (CPU Memory IO Unit 1)
            A Field Replaceable Unit (FRU) has a corrupt FRUID SEEPROM. (Probability:100, UUID:7442c25b-564e-ece3-8b14-e42cf6c54c3d,
            Resource:/SYS/CMIOU1, Part Number:7094491, Serial Number:465769T+14296N0138,
            Reference Document:http://support.oracle.com/msg/ILOM-8000-2V)
    Mon Sep 27 12:32:06 2015  Processors, Domain Configuration Unit  CMIOU0 (CPU Memory IO Unit 0)
            The number of chip-level correctable errors has exceeded acceptable levels. (Probability:100,
            UUID:bf0af2e1-3009-e986-9bec-9eb49538e001, Resource:/SYS/CMIOU0/CM/CMP, Part Number:7094491,
            Serial Number:465769T+14296N0138, Reference Document:http://support.oracle.com/msg/SPSUN4V-8000-7D)
  4. Visualice los detalles del sistema.
    -> show /System
            Open_Problems (5)
            health = Service Required
            health_details = /System (Host System), CMIOU1 (CPU Memory IO Unit 1),
                             CMIOU0 (CPU Memory IO Unit 0) are faulty. Type 'show 
                             /System/Open_Problems' for details.
            open_problems_count = 5
            type = Domained Server
            model = SPARC M7-8
            qpart_id = Q10777
            part_number = 7087407
            serial_number = AK00180227
            component_model = SPARC M7-8
            component_part_number = 32397572+5+1
            component_serial_number = AK00185563
            system_identifier = SCAexit-M78-045
            system_fw_version = Sun System Firmware : 9.4.3.build_xx Tue Sep 27 11:57:15 PDT 2015
            ilom_address = IP-address
            ilom_mac_address = MAC-address
            locator_indicator = Off
            power_state = Off
            actual_power_consumption = 162 watts
            action = (none)
  5. Visualice los detalles de estado.
    -> show /System health_details
            health_details = /System (Host System), CMIOU1 (CPU Memory IO Unit 1),
            CMIOU0 (CPU Memory IO Unit 0) are faulty. Type 'show /System/Open_Problems'
            for details.

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