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Oracle® Server CLI Tools for Oracle Solaris 11.3 User's Guide

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Updated: April 2018

Start or Stop a Task on a Disk or RAID Volume

The start task and stop task subcommands control the execution of maintenance tasks on a disk or RAID volume.

  • To start or stop a task on a disk or RAID volume, type:

    # raidconfig start task -t taskname [-d|-r]


    # raidconfig stop task -t taskname [-d|-r]

    The following are command examples for the start task and stop task subcommands:

    • A RAID ID must be provided for the verify check (verify) and initialization task (init).

      • To start the verify task on a specified RAID volume, type:

        # raidconfig start task -t verify -r=raidvolume

        For example:

        # raidconfig start task -t verify -r=c0r1

      • To stop the init task on a specified RAID volume, type:

        # raidconfig stop task -t init -r=raidvolume

        For example:

        # raidconfig stop task -t init -r=c0r1

    • A disk must be provided for the rebuild and clear tasks.

      • To start the rebuild task on a specified disk, type:

        # raidconfig start task -t rebuild -d=disk

        For example:

        # raidconfig start task -t rebuild -d=c0d1

        Note -  This can only be run on a disk that is part of a RAID volume.
      • To start the clear task on a specified disk, type:

        # raidconfig start task -t clear -d=disk

        For example:

        # raidconfig start task -t clear -d=c0d1

        Note -  This can only be run on a disk that is not part of a RAID volume.
    • Source and destination disks must be provided for the copy task.

      To start the copy task from one disk to another, type:

      # raidconfig start -task -t copy --src-disk=source_disk --dst-disk=destination_disk

      For example:

      # raidconfig start -task -t copy --src-disk=c0d2 --dst-disk=c0d3

      Note -  The source disk must be in a RAID volume. The destination disk cannot be in a RAID volume.