
The following program description is divided up as follows::

Remarks on program function

The account data for transfer to Accounts can be updated here, i.e. new data can be programmed, old data can be changed or cleared. The data stored to date can also be displayed for information.

Three reports are provided at present in the update program Branch for printout and transfer out of accounts lists:

The following accounts and profit centres must be programmed if an accounts list is to be transferred to Accounts:

The accounts list can be printed out in update program Branch with the Accounts list report for the accounting department or can be exported as a file to any directory with option "In file".

The accounts list should be adjusted to the accounting system of each country. The present format of the export file Accounts list complies with the requirements of the SIE and SCALA systems used in Scandinavia. The setting for the system in use must be defined in the fgl. file "LsBookkeeping.fgl" (1 = SIE or 2 = SCALA).

Remarks on data fields

The descriptions below apply to all options available for update of this Basic data.

The following applies to nearly all other programs:


Entries permitted: numeric, 1 - 9999

Enter the number of the company for which the accounts are to be revised.

Changes or clearing operations are carried out by calling up the data record with number entries in the key fields. The data record can also be selected via the search function.

Account number

Entries permitted: decimal, max. 11 pos.

An account number defined by your Bookkeeping should be entered in this field.

Accounts are linked to the company, the departments, the finance types, payment types and VAT rates. A report or a file can be generated in update program Branch report account list and this can then be handed over to the Bookkeeping.

Account descriptor

Entries permitted: alphanumeric, max. 20 chars.

Assign a name to this account.


MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin