13.1 Exporting Locations to Other Domains

The first step in creating an extranet is to export Locations in your domain to another domain. You select User Groups and Applications in specific Locations in your domain to which you want to provide access.

To export one or more Locations in your domain to another domain, do the following:

  1. Right-click Extranet Imports/Exports in the domain directory and then select Add Export.

    The Export to Domain dialog displays.

  2. Specify the domain to which you want to export Locations from the Export to Domain menu.


    You can enter a domain name if it is not available from the menu. However, you must enter the domain name exactly as the other administrator has configured it in App Net Manager.

  3. Select Add to choose a Location in your domain to export.

    The Export Location dialog displays.

  4. Select the Location to export from the Exported Location menu and then select the User Groups or Applications to export.

  5. Select OK to close the Export Location dialog.

  6. Select additional Locations to export, if required, and then select OK to close the Export to Domain dialog.

    The domain status displays as Unavailable for Import.

  7. Select File and then Save to save your changes to the Corente SCP.