11.6 Scheduling Upgrades

By default, Corente Services Gateway software upgrades occur automatically in the preferred maintenance time that you specify on the Location tab on the configuration window for Locations. You can schedule upgrades to change the date and time when the Corente Services Gateway software upgrade occurs.

  1. Expand the Locations folder in the domain directory.

  2. Select the Location for which you want to schedule an upgrade.


    A purple triangle icon displays for Locations when a software upgrade is available: Location scheduled upgrade icon .

  3. Right-click the Location and select Schedule Upgrade.

    The Schedule Upgrade of Location dialog displays.

  4. Specify upgrade details for the Location, as follows:

    • When specifies one of the following options:

      • First Maintenance Time after schedules the upgrade to occur in the first maintenance window after the date that you schedule.

      • As soon as possible after schedules the upgrade to occur at the first available time after the date that you schedule.

    • Local Time lets you specify a local system date and time for the upgrade to occur.

    • Location's Time lets you specify a date and time that is local to the Corente Services Gateway host computer.


      If you specify a date and time in the past, the software upgrade occurs as soon as possible.

    • Reset To lets you select one of the following options to restore date and time for the upgrade:

      • Now resets to the current date and time.

      • Week resets to the date and time one week ahead of the current date and time.

    • Administered Weekly Maintenance Time displays the preferred maintenance time that is set in the Location configuration.

    • Password specifies your App Net Manager password to schedule the upgrade.

  5. Select Upgrade to save the changes to the upgrade schedule.

The Corente Services Gateway software upgrades according to the date and time you scheduled for the Location. For the software upgrades to occur, Locations must be active and connected to the Corente SCP.