11.5 Duplicating Locations

You can duplicate a Location to quickly create new Locations with similar configurations, as follows:

  1. Expand the Locations folder in the domain directory.

  2. Select the Location that you want to duplicate and then right-click it and select Duplicate.

  3. Select the Location that you want to duplicate and then right-click it and select Duplicate.

    The Duplicate Location dialog displays.

  4. Select Yes to duplicate the Location.

  5. Specify a name for the new Location.

    App Net Manager creates a new Location using the configuration settings of the Location that you duplicated.

  6. Select the new Location from the Locations folder and then right-click it and select Edit.

    The Edit Location window displays.

  7. Modify the Location configuration as appropriate and then select OK.

  8. Select File and then Save to save your changes to the Corente SCP.

Related Information.