An event webhook sends a POST request to URLs you specify each time an Oracle Commerce Cloud Service event occurs. The body of the request contains the data associated with the event, in JSON format. The external system that receives the POST request returns an HTTP status code indicating whether the data was received successfully. A 200-level status code indicates the POST was successful. Any other code indicates failure; if this occurs, Oracle Commerce Cloud Service sends the POST request again. The webhook is executed up to five times until it succeeds or gives up.

The external system can use the data from the webhook request body in requests to the endpoints of the Oracle Commerce Cloud Service REST API endpoints. For example, you can configure the Order Submit webhook to send a notification to your order management system (OMS) every time a shopper successfully submits an order. When a change occurs to an order in the OMS, the OMS can issue a PUT request to the Update Order endpoint to modify the order in Oracle Commerce Cloud Service.

Oracle Commerce Cloud includes the following event webhooks:


Notification event

Account Create

A new account was successfully created by an administrator. See Configure Accounts in Using Oracle Commerce Cloud Service for more information.

Account Update

An existing account was successfully updated by and administrator. See Configure Accounts in Using Oracle Commerce Cloud Service for more information.

Cart Idle

A cart that contains items has been inactive for the number of minutes you specify on the Abandoned Cart Settings page. See Configure abandoned cart settings in Using Oracle Commerce Cloud Service for more information.

Export Complete

A data export process successfully completed.

Import Complete

A data import process successfully completed.

Order Submit

An order was successfully submitted by a customer or an agent.

Order Submit for Non-PCI Compliant Target Systems

An order has been successfully submitted by a customer or an agent.

The body for this webhook does not include payment details. See Understand webhooks and PCI DSS compliance for more information.

Publish Complete

Changes were successfully published.

Return Request Update

A return request was successfully processed by an agent.

Return Request Update for Non-PCI Compliant Systems

A return request was successfully processed by an agent.

The body for this webhook does not include payment details. See Understand webhooks and PCI DSS compliance for more information.

Shopper Registration

A new shopper registered on your site.

Shopper Account Update

A registered shopper changed their account details.

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