The fallback tax calculation settings are enabled by default, but you can disable them. If you disable fallback tax calculation and Commerce Cloud cannot reach your tax processor’s web service, for example in the case of an outage, shoppers will see an error during checkout and will not be able to complete their orders.

You use the Commerce Cloud Admin API to set the fallbackEnabled property, a Boolean that specifies whether fallback tax processing is used. The default value for fallbackEnabled is true.

To set this property, issue a PUT request to one of the following endpoints:

The following example shows a PUT request that disables fallback tax processing for a store that uses Avalara AvaTax to process taxes.

PUT /ccadmin/v1/taxProcessors/ava-p HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <access_token>

   "url": "<dedicated_host_instance_url>",
   "fallbackEnabled": false,

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