This promotion offers free shipping when the shopper purchases items from a specified collection.

The following example creates a promotion that offers free shipping when a shopper buys anything from the Summer Favorites collection, whose ID is cat60036.

  "displayName":"Spend $10 in Summer Favorites, Get Free Shipping",
  "description":A sample spend y in x get shipping discount promotion,
  "templatePath": "shipping",
  "templateName": "rawPmdlTemplate",
    "templateValues":{"pmdl": {"xml": "<pricing-model><qualifier><quantifier
 name=\"at-least\" number=\"10\"><collection-name>items</collection-name>
 <element-name>item</element-name><aggregator name=\"spendAmount\"
 operation=\"total\"/><comparator name=\"includes-any\">
</quantifier></qualifier> <offer><discount-structure calculator-type=\"standard\"
 discount-type=\"fixedPrice\" adjuster=\"0\"></discount-structure>

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