You must use the Oracle Commerce Cloud Service Admin API to assign multiple promotions to a coupon or coupon batch. You cannot perform these tasks on the Marketing tab in the administration interface.

You can assign promotions to a new coupon or batch when you create it or you can update an existing coupon or batch so that it applies to multiple promotions:

Keep the following points in mind when assigning promotions to coupons and coupon batches:

The following example creates a new coupon that applies to two promotions:

POST /ccadmin/v1/claimables HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <access_token>

   "id": "MYSALE",
   "maxUses": "3"

If the coupon is created successfully, the response body returned includes the ID for the new coupon:

  "repositoryId": "MYSALE"

The following example shows a sample request that adds four promotions to an existing coupon batch.

PUT /ccadmin/v1/couponBatches/{SAVE2a462ON50} HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <access_token>

"promotions": [
   {"repositoryId": "promo10001"},
   {"repositoryId": "promo10002"},
   {"repositoryId": "promo10003"},
   {"repositoryId": "promo10006"}]

The following shows the response body returned:

  "id": "SAVE2a462ON50",
  "numberOfCoupons": 100,
  "maxUses": 8,
  "numberClaimed": 0,
  "prefix": "Summer Sale",
  "promotions": [
    {"repositoryId": "promo10001"},
    {"repositoryId": "promo10002"},
    {"repositoryId": "promo10003"},
    {"repositoryId": "promo10006"}
  "uses": 0,
  "repositoryId": "SAVE2a462ON50"

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