This section provides an overview of actions you can perform with the Oracle Commerce Cloud Admin API’s Event Webhooks and Function Webhooks endpoints. See Learn about the APIs for information about accessing the endpoint documentation.

The following table describes the endpoints for the Event Webhooks resource.


Description and URI


Gets a specified webhook.

GET /ccadmin/v1/webhooks/{id}


Gets an array of webhooks, which can be narrowed by server type, for example, production. Each element of the returned array follows the format of that returned by getWebHook.

GET /ccadmin/v1/webhooks


Updates the URL properties of a specified webhook and, optionally, resets the secret key. You can use the REST API to change the number of times a webhook gets resent and the number of seconds between resends.

PUT /ccadmin/v1/webhooks/{id}


Updates the URL properties of an array of existing webhooks and, optionally, resets the secret keys. You can use the REST API to change the number of times a webhook gets resent and the number of seconds between resends.

PUT /ccadmin/v1/webhooks/{id}


Resets the secret key of a specified webhook.

POST /ccadmin/v1/webhooks/{id}

The following table describes the endpoints for the Function Webhooks resource.

Endpoint and

Description and URI


Gets a specified webhook.

GET /ccadmin/v1/functionWebhooks/{id}


Gets an array of webhooks, which can be narrowed by server type, for example, production. Each element of the returned array follows the format of that returned by getWebHook.

GET /ccadmin/v1/functionWebhooks


Updates the URL properties of a specified webhook and, optionally, resets the secret key.

PUT /ccadmin/v1/functionWebhooks/{id}


Updates the URL properties of an array of existing webhooks and, optionally, resets the secret keys.

PUT /ccadmin/v1/functionWebhooks/{id}


Resets the secret key of a specified webhook.

POST /ccadmin/v1/functionWebhooks/{id}

The following table describes the endpoints for the Failed WebHook Messages resource.


Description and URI


Deletes a specified webhook message that failed to send.

DELETE /ccadmin/v1/webhookFailedMessages/{id}


Gets a specified webhook message that failed to send.

GET /ccadmin/v1/webhookFailedMessages/{id}


Gets an array of webhook messages that failed to send. Each element of the returned array follows the format of that returned by getFailedMessage.

GET /ccadmin/v1/webhookFailedMessages/{id}


Specifies whether to resend a specified webhook message that failed to send.

PUT /ccadmin/v1/webhookFailedMessages/{id}

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