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Oracle® ILOM Protocol Management Reference SNMP and IPMI Firmware Release 4.0.x

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Updated: August 2017

Configure the SNMP Network Environment

  1. Log in the the Oracle ILOM command-line interface (CLI).

    For instructions on logging in to Oracle ILOM, refer to the Log In to the Oracle ILOM CLI in Oracle ILOM User’s Guide for System Monitoring and Diagnostics Firmware Release 4.0.x.

    Note -  As of Oracle ILOM 4.0, read-write permissions for SNMP communities and v3 users is no longer supported.
  2. In Oracle ILOM, issue the create command to create an SNMP Community Name.

    -> create /SP/services/snmp/communities/community name

  3. Issue the set command to enable SNMP access and specify the SNMP agent port address, for example:

    -> set /SP/services/snmp servicestate=enabled v2c=enabled port=161

  4. Download the Oracle ILOM MIBs to the $HOME/mibs directory.

    For instructions on downloading the Oracle ILOM MIBs, see Downloading SNMP MIBs Using Oracle ILOM.

  5. In the $HOME/.snmp/snmp.conf file in the $HOME/mibs directory, specify the following:
    defversion          2c
    defcommunity        community_name
    defaultPort         161
    mibs                ALL
    mibdirs             +$HOME/mibs
  6. Test the new configuration by issuing the following command:
    %snmp SNMP_agent sysName.0 

    The command should produce similar output on your system:

    RFC1213-MIB::sysName.0 = STRING: “systemname”