access control, Learn about the APIs
account-based shoppers
restricting self-registration, Note about preventing self-registration in account-based storefronts
account-based storefronts
contact addresses, Manage account-based shopper profiles
contacts, Ensure PayPal shoppers provide first and last name, Create custom properties for accounts
custom properties, Create custom properties for accounts
email templates, Add company name and logo to account-based email templates
export, Bulk Export and Import
extension, Modify the Customer Profile widget
import, Bulk Export and Import
organizations, View the organization item type
PayPal, Ensure PayPal shoppers provide first and last name
profiles, Manage account-based shopper profiles
templates, View the organization item type
APIs, Understand Extension Features, Use Webhooks
abort export, Abort an export
Admin, Learn about the APIs
Agent, Learn about the APIs
authentication, Learn about the APIs, REST API authentication
CORS support, CORS support
emails, shipping, Customize email templates for split shipping
errors, Error messages
export, Export data endpoints
import, Import data endpoints
import, export, Understand export and import endpoint parameters
order management, Order Management REST APIs
order management system, Integrate with an order management system
orders, Create custom properties for promotions, Create custom properties for orders
promotion, View promotions created with the REST API
query parameters, REST API query parameters
response excluding, REST API query parameters
response filtering, REST API query parameters, Response filters
response grouping, REST API query parameters
response limit, REST API query parameters
response ordering, REST API query parameters
response paging, REST API query parameters
sample requests using curl, Sample Search and Navigation REST API requests using cURL
shopper type, Add custom properties to a shopper type
Store, Learn about the APIs, Understand REST support for split shipping
store, Manage Multiple Inventory Locations
Store preview, Access preview through the APIs
webhooks, Use Webhooks, Use the REST API to configure webhooks
Apple Pay
merchant identity certificate, Upload an Apple Pay merchant identity certificate
registering, Use the application key for authentication
URL, Configure webhooks
authentication, Learn about the APIs
login, Use login credentials for authentication
tokens, REST API authentication, Refresh an access token, Register applications


performance, Use onLoad and beforeAppear correctly
blocking weak passwords, Block weak passwords


line items, Customize line-item display in templates
macro, Sample email template
product recommendations, Customize recommendations in templates
templates, Customize Email Templates
templates, inventory, Customize email templates for preorders and backorders
templates, shipping, Customize email templates for split shipping
Endpoint, Use the fields parameter
fields parameter, Use the fields parameter
API, Learn about the APIs
create order, Validate the purchase order number
data from webhooks, Understand event webhooks
event webhooks, Use the REST API to configure webhooks
function webhook, Use the REST API to configure webhooks
inventory, Access inventory data, Access and update inventory data
location, Create locations
orders, Understand REST support for split shipping
profile, Set custom properties on a shopper profile, Understand REST support for split shipping
promotion, Create a promotion
returning data, REST API query parameters
search, Understand how to execute endpoints
secured, Use the application key for authentication
shopper type, Understand shopper profiles and shopper types, View a shopper type
webhook failed messages, Use the REST API to configure webhooks
Endpoints, Review code for possible bulk operation on endpoints
bulk operation, Review code for possible bulk operation on endpoints
error logs, viewing client-side, View client-side error logs
exemptions from sales tax, Configure tax exempt status
account-based storefronts, Bulk Export and Import
search configuration, Export and import all search configuration
search interface, Export a search interface
storefront assets, Export the storefront assets, Import and export assets assigned to multiple sites
thesaurus, Export thesaurus entries, Specify a custom order for facets, Verify search responses
account-based storefront, Modify the Customer Profile widget
cash payment gateways, Cash payment extension details
credit card gateways, Create a credit card extension
gift card gateways, Create a gift card extension and configure the webhook
invoice payment gateways, Invoice payment extension details
loyalty point gateways, Create a loyalty point extension and configure the webhook
server-side, Develop server-side extensions


failed webhook messages, Manage failed messages


generic payment gateway integrations, Create a Generic Payment Gateway Integration
3D-Secure support, Incorporate 3D-Secure support
gift cards
custom gateway integrations, Integrate with a Gift Card Payment Gateway
payment properties, Gift card payment properties
Google Search
site ownership verification, Upload a Google site ownership verification file
guest check out, Manage Guest Checkout
restricting, Example for restricting guest checkout


account-based storefronts, Bulk Export and Import
search configuration, Export and import all search configuration
storefront assets, Import and export storefront assets, Import the storefront assets, Import and export assets assigned to multiple sites
inventory, Access and update inventory data
custom payment gateways, Create a Credit Card Payment Gateway Integration, Create a Generic Payment Gateway Integration, Integrate with a Gift Card Payment Gateway, Integrate with a Loyalty Point Payment Gateway, Integrate with a Cash Payment Gateway, Integrate with an Invoice Payment Gateway, Integrate with a Web Checkout System
order management systems, Integrate with an order management system
PCI compliance and, Order Submit webhook
pricing systems, external, Integrate with an External Pricing System
shipping calculator, external, Configure the integration
inventory, Manage Multiple Inventory Locations
count, Understand inventory
creating, Create inventory data for locations
data, accessing, Access inventory data, Access and update inventory data
email notification, Customize email templates for preorders and backorders
importing, Access and update inventory data
locations, creating, Create locations
viewing, Retrieve inventory data for locations
invoice payments
and order approvals, Configure a deferred payment gateway for order approvals
and scheduled orders, Configure an invoice payment gateway for scheduled orders
custom gateway integrations, Integrate with an Invoice Payment Gateway
properties, Invoice payment properties


merchant identity certificate for Apple Pay, Upload an Apple Pay merchant identity certificate
multisite configuration, Configure Sites


OAuth, REST API authentication, Register applications, Sample Search and Navigation REST API requests using cURL
performance, Use onLoad and beforeAppear correctly
order approvals, Enable Order Approvals
configure page layouts for, Configure page layouts for order approvals
displaying a contact’s purchase limit, Display a contact’s purchase limit in a widget
enabling or disabling, Enable or disable order approvals
frequency of canceled order clean up, Set the frequency of canceled order clean up
give delegated administrators control of, Allow a delegated administrator to control order approvals
integrate with external systems, Integrate with an external system for order approvals, Assign Catalogs and Price Groups to Shoppers
manage checkout flow for, Manage the checkout flow for orders requiring approval
set up invoice payment gateway for, Configure a deferred payment gateway for order approvals
orders, Create custom properties for promotions, Manage Orders, Create custom properties for orders
converting data between management systems, Integrate with an order management system
custom properties, Create custom properties for promotions, Create custom properties for orders
custom properties for line items, Understand customization of order line items
email confirmation, Customize email templates for preorders and backorders, Customize email templates for split shipping
endpoints, Understand REST support for split shipping
integrate with external system, Integrate with an order management system
line items in email templates, Customize line-item display in templates
placing shipping, Place order
pricing, split shipping, Price order
shipping prices, Order summary
states, Understand order states
updating external management systems, Order Management REST APIs
zero-cost, Support zero-cost orders


page response size, reducing, Reduce the size of page responses
blocking weak, Block weak passwords
Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), Understand webhooks and PCI DSS compliance
and external order management systems, Order Submit webhook
payment gateways, Create a Credit Card Payment Gateway Integration
3D-Secure support, Incorporate 3D-Secure support
custom integrations, Create a Credit Card Payment Gateway Integration, Create a Generic Payment Gateway Integration, Integrate with a Gift Card Payment Gateway, Integrate with a Loyalty Point Payment Gateway, Integrate with a Cash Payment Gateway, Integrate with an Invoice Payment Gateway, Integrate with a Web Checkout System
custom properties, Send custom properties to a payment gateway
payment groups
split payments, Enable Split Payments
states, paymentGroup states
webhooks, Understand webhooks and PCI DSS compliance
PayPal, Ensure PayPal shoppers provide first and last name
validation, Ensure PayPal shoppers provide first and last name
Performance, Improve Performance
measuring, Measure performance often
PMDL (see )
price groups, Create a price group for loyalty points
prices, Create a price group for loyalty points
(see also price groups)
external system, Integrate with an External Pricing System
external versus internal, Price the cart items
shipping summary, Order summary
product recommendations in emails, Customize recommendations in templates
account-based storefronts, Manage account-based shopper profiles
address, adding, Split shipping web form
address, shipping, Split shipping web form
create shopper, Create a shopper profile
custom properties, Manage Shopper Profiles, Set custom properties on a shopper profile
endpoints, Understand REST support for split shipping
preview user, Access preview through the APIs
previewing, Shopper profiles and preview profiles
properties, View a shopper type
shopper, Manage Shopper Profiles
shopper, modifying, Shopper profiles and preview profiles
site-specific properties, Create a shopper profile on an instance running multiple sites
view shopper, View a shopper profile
API, View promotions created with the REST API
coupon, Assign multiple promotions to a coupon or coupon batch
coupon, assigning, Assign multiple promotions to a coupon or coupon batch
coupon, removing from, Remove a coupon or coupon batch from a promotion
creating, Create a promotion
disabled, Remove a coupon or coupon batch from a promotion
rules, Understand PMDL discount rules
attributes, Settable attributes of shopper type properties, Add custom properties to an order type
currencies, Create a custom currency for loyalty points, Create exchange rates
shopper profiles, custom, Manage Shopper Profiles
SKU, custom, Access SKU Properties through Widgets


recommendations in emails, Customize recommendations in templates
of applications, REST API authentication
restricting for account-based shoppers, Note about preventing self-registration in account-based storefronts
resend failed webhooksmessages, Manage failed messages
response filters, Response filters
performance, Improve performance in REST API Calls
REST APIs (see )


sales tax, Integrate with an external tax processor
scheduled orders, Create Scheduled Orders
page layout configuration for, Configure page layouts for scheduled orders
scheduled order activity notifications, Notify shoppers about scheduled order activity
scheduled order service, Configure the scheduled order service
set up invoice payment gateway for, Configure an invoice payment gateway for scheduled orders
shopper tasks related to, Understand shopper tasks for scheduled orders
updates to prices, Update prices in a scheduled order
Commerce Cloud, Download the Commerce Cloud SDK
search, Configure Search Features
backup configuration, Back up and restore all application configuration
interface, Specify which index fields are included in searches
keyword redirect, Configure keyword redirects
migrate configuration, Migrate configuration of all search features
relevance ranking, Understand how relevance ranking modules sort results
sort, Configure the ranking of records in search results
search interface
add field to, Add a field to a search interface
export, Export a search interface
security, Learn about the APIs
webhooks, Secure webhooks
server-side extensions, Develop server-side extensions
calculators, Integrate with External Shipping Calculators
email notification, Customize email templates for split shipping
excluding items, Exclude Items from Shipping Methods and Costs
placing order, Place order
pricing, Price order
split, Understand view model support for split shipping
split, activating, Split shipping toggle
split, deactivating, Split shipping toggle
split, enabling, Affected view models
summary in order, Order summary
shipping groups, shippingGroup states, Understand REST support for split shipping
APIs, Understand REST support for split shipping
array, Understand the shippingGroups array
extending CartItem class, Extending the CartItem and ShippingGroupRelationship view models
extending ShippingGroupRelationship class, Extending the CartItem and ShippingGroupRelationship view models
multiple, Affected view models, Split shipping web form
retaining during cart updates, Retaining shipping group information
states, shippingGroup states
shopper, Shopper profiles and preview profiles
custom properties, Understand shopper profiles and shopper types
profile, Understand shopper profiles and shopper types
profile custom properties, Set custom properties on a shopper profile
site-specific profile properties, Create a shopper profile on an instance running multiple sites
type custom properties, Add custom properties to a shopper type
types, Understand shopper profiles and shopper types, View a shopper type
site objects, Understand site objects
site ownership verification for Google Search, Upload a Google site ownership verification file
site-specific profile properties, Create a shopper profile on an instance running multiple sites
configuring, Configure Sites
creating, Create a site
deleting, Delete a site
updating, Update a site
order states, commerceItem states
SKUs, custom properties for, Access SKU Properties through Widgets
APIs, Understand APIs for accessing SKU properties
displaying as elements, Create an element to display SKU properties
source code
editing in an IDE, Use the Design Code Utility
transferring between instances, Use the Design Code Utility
split payments, Understand split payments
widget, Use the Split Payment widget
SSL certification, Troubleshoot SSL certificates
storefront assets, importing and exporting, Import and export storefront assets, Import and export assets assigned to multiple sites
storefront framework, restore or upgrade, Restore or upgrade the storefront framework version
storefront single sign-on (SSO), Implement Storefront Single Sign-On
storefront SSO
configuring, Configure storefront SSO
identity provider, Storefront SSO message flow
limitations, Storefront SSO limitations
message flow, Storefront SSO message flow


weak passwords
blocking, Block weak passwords
web checkout systems
custom gateway integrations, Integrate with a Web Checkout System
webhooks, Understand Extension Features, Use Webhooks
access control, Secure webhooks
and PCI compliance, Understand webhooks and PCI DSS compliance
attempt limits, Understand event webhooks
Credit Card Payment, Create a Credit Card Payment Gateway Integration, Install the extension and configure the gateway, Supported payment methods and transaction types
Custom Currency, Create a loyalty point extension and configure the webhook
data with endpoints, Understand event webhooks
event, Understand event webhooks, Manage failed messages
event signatures, Secure webhooks
export, Notification webhooks for export and import
external pricing, Configure the webhook
failed messages, Manage failed messages
function, Understand function webhooks
Generic Payment, Configure the External Price Group and Catalog webhook, Supported payment methods and transaction types, Create a gift card extension and configure the webhook, Process the order, Validate the purchase order number, Invoice payment response properties, Overview of web checkout system integrations
import, Notification webhooks for export and import
order approvals, Integrate with an external system for order approvals, Assign Catalogs and Price Groups to Shoppers
order management systems, Integrate with an order management system
order submit, Order Submit webhook
payment groups, Understand webhooks and PCI DSS compliance
return request, Return Request Update webhook
security, Secure webhooks
shipping calculator, Integrate with External Shipping Calculators
signing, Secure webhooks
SSL certification, Troubleshoot SSL certificates
URL restrictions, Configure webhooks
widgets, Understand Extension Features
custom, Customize the Gift Card widget, Add an invoice payment option to the checkout page, Initiate the order
Customer Profile, Modify the Customer Profile widget
Gift Card, Customize the Gift Card widget
global, Create the widget structure
loyalty point, Add a loyalty point payment option to the checkout page
pricing, custom, Create the widget
shipping methods, Split shipping web form


zero-cost orders, Support zero-cost orders

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