A contact can be created at any of the fifteen levels of account hierarchy and assigned to multiple organizations using the parentOrganization and secondaryOrganizations properties. A contact’s parent organization is the contact’s default account, while its secondary organizations are the other account that the contact belongs to. Contacts become members of any organization that the parent organization belongs to.

If a contact is associated to a parent organization and the parent organization is modified or removed, then the original parent organization is added to the secondary organizations list. Conversely, if a contact is associated with a secondary organization, and the parent organization is modified or removed, the original secondary organization will be set to the parent organization.

The relativeTo parameter in the roles property sets roles for contact associated with organizations. For example:

  "id": null,
  "firstName": "b1",
  "lastName": "u2",
  "email": "u2@b1.com",
  "parentOrganization": "100001",
  "secondaryOrganizations": [
  "active": true,
  "receiveEmail": "yes",
  "profileType": "b2b_user",
  "roles": [
      "function": "admin",
          "id": "100001"
      "function": "buyer",
          "id": "100001"
      "function": "buyer",
          "id": "100002"
Contact email triggers with deactivated contact

While performing an import, if a contact is deactivated, an email is triggered that notifies the contact of the new status. To trigger emails during the import, set the specific email template as a parameter in the request payload. The following example shows how you would identify using a profileDeactivatedEmail template:

  "fileName": "profileImport.json",
  "id": "Profiles",
  "format": "json",
  "mode": "standalone",
  "params": {
Contact email triggers when organization list changes

While performing an import, if a parent organization or secondary organization list is modified or deleted, an email is triggered, notifying the contact of the change. To trigger emails during the import, set the specific email template as a parameter in the request payload. The following example shows how you would identify using an organizationChangeEmailTemplate template:

  "fileName": "profileImport.json",
  "id": "Profiles",
  "format": "json",
  "mode": "standalone",
  "params": {

For detailed information on profile configuration and working with profiles, refer to Using Oracle Commerce Cloud.

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