Before you can upload a file, you must generate a token to associate with the upload. To do this, use the startFileUpload endpoint (PUT /ccadmin). The request JSON for this endpoint includes three properties:

The following request body generates a token for uploading a third-party file named /thirdparty/myfolder/sampleFile.txt in two segments:

  "filename": "myfolder/sampleFile.txt",
  "segments": 2,
  "uploadtype": "thirdPartyFile"

The response body includes the token and an array of the indices of the segments to be uploaded. The indices are zero-based, so the first segment is 0:

    "links": [
            "rel": "self",
            "href": ""
    "segmentsNeeded": [
    "token": "18a7878ddf1ab_1751"

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