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Oracle® ZFS Storage Appliance 管理指南,发行版 OS8.8.0


更新时间: 2018 年 11 月

监视复制进度 (CLI)

  1. 要监视复制更新的进度,请导航到项目或共享资源,然后进入 replication 节点。
    hostname:shares> select TestProj
    hostname:shares TestProj> replication
    hostname:shares TestProj replication>
  2. 选择复制操作,然后输入 get
    hostname:shares TestProj replication> select action-000
    hostname:shares TestProj action-000> get
                                  id = aed46331-160b-48ec-8727-dcd563adbd78
                           target_id = 4fd3483e-b1f5-4bdc-9be3-b3a4becd0c42
                              target = target1
                             enabled = true
                          continuous = false
                       include_snaps = true
         retain_user_snaps_on_target = false
                               dedup = true
        include_clone_origin_as_data = false
                       max_bandwidth = unlimited
                          bytes_sent = 0
                      estimated_size = 0
                 estimated_time_left = 00:00:00
                  average_throughput = 0B/s
                             use_ssl = true
                         compression = on
                         export_path =
                               state = sending
                   state_description = Connecting to replication target
                      export_pending = false
                             offline = false
                         next_update = Sync now
              replica_data_timestamp = Thu Apr 28 2016 22:18:11 GMT+0000 (UTC)
                           last_sync = <unknown>
                            last_try = <unknown>
                         last_result = <unknown>
                         replica_lag = 00:00:09
            recovery_point_objective =
           replica_lag_warning_alert =
             replica_lag_error_alert =
      replica_lag_over_warning_limit = false
        replica_lag_over_error_limit = false
  3. 有关复制进度的信息,请查看 state_description 属性。


    • Connecting to replication target(正在连接到复制目标)

    • Receiving checkpoint from target(正在从目标接收检查点)

    • Estimating size of update(正在估计更新的大小)

    • Building deduplication tables(正在构建重复数据删除表)

    • Sending update(正在发送更新)

    只有当项目或共享资源已启用了重复数据删除时才会显示状态 Building deduplication tables(正在构建重复数据删除表)

  4. 如果 state_descriptionSending update,请通过查看以下属性来确定复制进度:
    • bytes_sent

    • estimated_size

    • estimated_time_left

    • average_throughput
