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Oracle® ZFS Storage Appliance 管理指南,发行版 OS8.8.0


更新时间: 2018 年 11 月

销毁可信证书 (CLI)


  1. 要查看所有证书条目,请转到 configuration settings certificates trusted 上下文,然后输入 show 命令。
    hostname:configuration settings certificates trusted> show
                    default = auto
    Trusted Certificates:
    CERT     TYPE SUBJECT                   ISSUER                    EXPIRES   
    cert-002 cert hostname.us.example.com  Joe Test CA               2038-1-21
  2. 要销毁证书,请使用以下命令。
    hostname:configuration settings certificates system> destroy cert-002
    Caution: Destroying a certificate issued by a certificate authority also
    destroys the associated private key. Re-importing the certificate will not be possible.
    Destroy appliance certificate? (Y/N) Y