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Oracle® ZFS Storage Appliance 管理指南,发行版 OS8.8.0


更新时间: 2018 年 11 月

克隆快照 (CLI)

注 -  克隆是适用于某些型号的许可功能。有关详细信息,请参阅 "Oracle Software License Agreement ("SLA") and Entitlement for Hardware Systems with Integrated Software Options" 和此软件发行版的《Licensing Information User Manual》。

使用以下过程可生成文件系统或 LUN 的现有快照的克隆。

注 -  不支持项目克隆。
  1. 转到相应的文件系统、LUN 或项目并键入 snapshots
    hostname:shares myproject/demo_share> snapshots
    hostname:shares myproject/demo_share snapshots>
  2. 选择要克隆的快照。
    hostname:shares myproject/demo_share snapshots> select snap1
  3. 使用 clone 命令,并根据需要后跟要在其中创建克隆的项目的名称。


    hostname:shares myproject/demo_share@snap1> clone project1


  4. 使用 get 命令可查看属性。
    hostname:shares myproject/demo_clone (uncommitted clone)> get
                        aclinherit = restricted (inherited)
                           aclmode = discard (inherited)
                             atime = true (inherited)
                          checksum = fletcher4 (inherited)
                       compression = off (inherited)
                            copies = 1 (inherited)
                        mountpoint = /export/testbed (inherited)
                             quota = 0 (default)
                          readonly = false (inherited)
                        recordsize = 128K (inherited)
                       reservation = 0 (default)
                    secondarycache = all (inherited)
                            nbmand = false (inherited)
                          sharesmb = off (inherited)
                          sharenfs = on (inherited)
                           snapdir = hidden (inherited)
                             vscan = false (inherited)
                          sharedav = off (inherited)
                          shareftp = off (inherited)
                        root_group = other (default)
                  root_permissions = 777 (default)
                         root_user = nobody (default)
                        quota_snap = true (default)
                  reservation_snap = true (default)
  5. 使用 set 命令可调整属性。
    hostname:shares myproject/demo_clone (uncommitted clone)> set quota=10G
                             quota = 10G (uncommitted)
  6. 使用 commit 命令可提交更改并创建克隆。
    hostname:shares myproject/demo_clone (uncommitted clone)> commit
    hostname:shares myproject/demo_share@demo_clone>
