Activities Window

Use the Activities window to add, view, edit, and delete activities for the open projects. You can divide the Activities window into top and bottom layout views, and you can customize these layouts and how activities are displayed.

To display the Activities window, do one of the following:

Refer to the following sections of this topic for information and links to concepts and tasks about working with activities and activity layouts in the Activities window:

Working in the Activities window:

When working in the Activities window, you can:


Activity concepts

The following topics describe activity-related concepts. These concepts apply to data you define for activities (for example, activity steps or activity types), data you assign to activities (for example, activity codes or resources), and data or features that impact activity data (for example, scheduling projects and leveling resources).

Activity tasks

You can perform all of the following tasks in the Activities window. These tasks are organized by subject area or purpose, and are not all inclusive.

Adding activities and defining general activity information

Working with activity relationships

Working with activity resource and role assignments

Working with activity steps

Working with activity expenses

Working with activity notebooks

Working with activity code assignments

Working with work product and document assignments

Working with past period actuals

Working with risks

Updating activity progress

Activity layout concepts and tasks

The following concepts and tasks relate to the layouts you can display and customize in the Activities window.

Available activity layouts

You can display the following layouts in the Activities window:

General Layout Tasks

Filtering activities

Grouping and sorting activities

Working with Activity Details

Working with the Activity Table

Working with the Gantt Chart

Working with the Activity Network

Working with the Activity and Resource Usage Profiles

Working with the Activity and Resource Usage Spreadsheets

Working with Trace Logic

Related Topics

Project Toolbar

Menu bar

Edit Toolbar

Activity Details

Assign Toolbar

Top Layout Toolbar

Bottom Layout Toolbar

The Activity Table

Layout Toolbar

Introduction to Resource Security

Root Node

Activity step templates

Activity steps

Activity dates

Activity codes and values


Activity types

Adding relationships between activities



Earned Value

Leveling resources

Grouping by hierarchy

Grouping activities by WBS path

Grouping activities by field

Future period bucket planning

Filtering data


Work Products and Documents

Work Breakdown Structure

Updating progress

Summarizing activity data

Store Period Performance


Scheduling projects


Risks (P6 Professional Only)



Progress Spotlight

Adding activities using a wizard

Add activities in the Activity Network

Add activities in the Activity Table

Copy and paste activities in the Activity Table

Copy and paste activities in the Activity Network

Change an activity's work breakdown structure assignment

Assign a calendar to an activity

Define activity duration types

Renumber activity IDs in the Activity Table

Cut and paste activities in the Activity Table

Cut and paste activities in the Activity Network

Designating an activity owner (P6 EPPM Only)

Delete an activity

Define milestones

Define general activity information

Define activity types

Define activity percent complete types

View activity summaries

View activity float values

Enter activity start and finish dates

Enter activity durations

Enter activity constraints

Dissolve an activity

Create relationships in the Activity Network

Change successor relationships

Add predecessor relationships

Add successor relationships

Change predecessor relationships

Edit relationships in the Gantt Chart

Edit relationships in the Activity Network

Delete relationships in the Gantt Chart

Delete relationships in the Activity Network

Create relationships in the Gantt Chart

View activity relationships in Trace logic

View activity relationships in the Gantt Chart

View activity relationships in the Activity Network

View activity relationships in Activity Details

Remove successor relationships

Remove predecessor relationships

Replace resources assigned to activities

Remove resources from activities

Manually enter future period assignment values

Enter unit information for resource assignments

Enter cost information for resource assignments

Create a future period bucket planning layout

Choose the rate source for an assignment

Change the resource's role assignments for an activity

Associate a primary resource with an activity

Assign resources to activities by role

Assign resources to activities

Assign a rate type to a resource assignment

Update activity steps

Remove steps from activities

Convert steps into an activity step template

Assign activity step templates to activities

Add weights to steps

Add steps to activities

Remove notebooks from activities

Assign notebooks to activities

Delete expenses from the Activities window

Assign expense categories from the Activities window

Add expenses from the Activities window

Assign activity codes and values to activities

Change activity code value assignments

Remove activity codes and values from activities

Assign work products and documents to an activity from the Activities window

Display work product and document details in the Activities window

Open a work product or document from the Activities window

Remove work product and document assignments from the Activities window

Edit past period actual data

View past period actual data in spreadsheets

Removing risk assignments from activities (P6 Professional Only)

Assigning a risk to an activity (P6 Professional Only)

Update progress for individual activities

Suspend or resume an activity's progress

Remove progress from an activity

Highlight activities for updating

Enter a physical percent complete for activities

Trace Logic

The Resource Usage Spreadsheet

The Activity Usage Spreadsheet

The Resource Usage Profile

Activity Network

The Gantt Chart

Add line numbers

Zoom in and out of a timescaled layout

Save a layout in the Activities or Resource Assignments window

Open a layout

Save a layout as a project layout

Exporting and Importing Layouts

Expand or contract the visible area of a timescaled layout

Delete a layout

Create a new activity layout

Change the display timeperiod for a timescaled layout

Change a layout's timescale format

Remove filters

Delete filters

Default filter criteria

Create a lookahead filter

Create a filter

Combine filters

Change a Gantt Chart bar's filter

Apply a filter

Sort activities

Show or hide empty title bands

Show field titles in grouping bands

Show a grand total

Remove activity groupings

Group activities by WBS path

Group activities by hierarchy

Group activities by field

Format grouping bands

Display summary data when grouping

Collapse or expand grouped data

Customize Activity Details

Change Successors tab columns

Change Resources tab columns

Change Predecessors tab columns

Change expenses tab columns

Sort activity information in the Activity Table

Quickly enter the same text in multiple table rows

Define Activity Table columns

Customize activity column titles

Change group row fonts and colors

Change Activity Table font, color, and row height

Change activity information in the Activity Table

Add a bar to the Gantt Chart

Add a curtain attachment in a Gantt Chart

Add a text attachment to a Gantt Chart

Change a Gantt Chart bar's filter - under Gantt Chart

Change a bar in the Gantt Chart

Apply Gantt Chart settings from another layout

Apply a Progress Line to the Gantt Chart

Attach notebook items to bars in a Gantt Chart

Change a Gantt Chart bar's timescale - under Gantt Chart

Change a Gantt Chart bar's style - under Gantt Chart

Change a Gantt Chart bar's settings

Change a Gantt Chart bar's label - under Gantt Chart

Change the background lines in the Gantt Chart

Change an activity's start and finish dates in the Gantt Chart

Change an activity's duration in the Gantt Chart

Delete a bar from the Gantt Chart

Delete a curtain attachment from a Gantt Chart

Display the Gantt Chart

Hide a curtain attachment in a Gantt Chart

Hide all curtain attachments in the Gantt Chart

Show or hide the Gantt Chart legend

Show or hide relationship lines in the Gantt Chart

Position a bar in the Gantt Chart

Remove a text attachment from a Gantt Chart

Move to a specific activity in the Gantt Chart

Move around a Gantt Chart

Apply Activity Network settings from another layout

Change activity box fonts and colors

Customize the activity box layout

Customize the Activity Network layout

Display the Activity Network

Move around in the Activity Network

Reorganize the Activity Network layout

Save and Open an Activity Network Layout

Select the activity box layout

View Activity Network Activity Details

Filter activities according to the Resource Usage Profile

Display the Activity Usage Profile

Define the Resource Usage Profile

Define the Activity Usage Profile

View a profile of resource allocation for a specific project

View a profile of resource allocation across all projects

Show or hide the profile legend

Show or hide resource overallocation in the Resource Usage Profile

Show or hide resource limits in the Resource Usage Profile

Show or hide resource availability in the Resource Usage Profile

Show or hide overtime information in the Resource Usage Profile

Copy and paste resource spreadsheet data to Microsoft Excel

Customize Activity Usage Spreadsheet columns

Customize Resource Usage Spreadsheet columns

Display roles in the Resource Usage Spreadsheet

Display the Activity Usage Spreadsheet

Filter activities according to the Resource Usage Spreadsheet

Group and sort Resource Usage Spreadsheet columns in the Activities window

Resize the panes of the Resource Usage Spreadsheet

Select Activity Usage Spreadsheet fields

Select Resource Usage Spreadsheet fields

View a spreadsheet of resource allocation across all projects

View a spreadsheet of resource allocation for a specific project

View a spreadsheet of resource overallocation across all projects

Display Trace Logic

Move around in Trace Logic

Set Trace Logic preferences

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Last Published Thursday, January 12, 2023