Report Designer Home Tab

The report designer’s Home tab gives you access to options that impact the entire report.

From the Home tab, you can select report layouts, view or export a definition of the report, schedule the report to be sent out in an email, adjust permissions, view an audit log, and enable inline editing for the report. You can also sort the data in the report or view it differently using rollups or slicing. Buttons on the tab’s Data Set group give you access to the report’s tables, filters, variables, and columns.

Home Tab

Group/Button Description
Views This button lets you choose whether to view the report using the report, layout, design, or data set view. See Overview of Report Designer Views.
Layouts The buttons in this group let you select a style and layout for the report.
Report Layouts Click this button to load a predefined report layout. The available layouts are Grid Report, Standard Report, Chart, and Standard Report with Chart. When you select a layout, the report sections needed for the type of report you select are automatically displayed. See Apply a Layout to a Dashboard or Apply a Layout to an Output Level.
Tabular Click this button to edit the report in a tabular layout. This is the default layout used when creating a report. See Display Data Using Record or Tabular Layouts.
Record Click this button to edit the report in a record layout. See Display Data Using Record or Tabular Layouts.
Properties The buttons in this group let you modify properties that apply to the entire report.
Options Click this button to select how the time zone used in the report is determined, who the owner of the report is, set Auto Refresh and other options, and add notes to the report. See Change Report Properties.


Click this button and select View to view the report definition, showing descriptions of the report’s tables, columns, filters, and other information describing the report’s structure. See View a Report Definition.

Click this button and select Export to export the definition to a file which you can import into another interface to copy the report. See Export a Report Definition to an XML File.

Records Click this button to select the record commands buttons you want to display on the report’s Home tab. See Change Record Command Actions.


Click this button to schedule the report to be sent to other individuals. See How You Schedule Reports.

This button appears only when scheduled reports are enabled. For information about enabling scheduled reports, contact your Oracle account manager.

Permissions Click this button to define which profiles should have access to run and edit the report. See Set Report Permissions.
Audit Log

Click this button to open the audit log for the report, which shows you when the report was created, edited, run, and published, and which staff members performed these actions. See View a Report Audit Log.

The Expanded Report Audit Log is also available. This shows you when reports and dashboards have been generated, printed, exported, and previewed over the previous 30 days. See View the Expanded Report Audit Log.


Click this button to access pre-defined reports that show you the workspaces, navigation sets, dashboards, and report links that use the report you're editing. Viewing these items before editing a report ensures that you’re aware of other items that might be impacted by changes you make. If you decide the impact would be too great, you can create a copy of the report and edit the copy instead.

If you have the Analytics Administrator profile permission, you can access versions of these reports that include search options in the Report Management component. See How to Monitor Report Usage.

Inline Editing

Click this button to select options for inline editing, which allows staff members to edit data directly from a report. See Enable Inline Editing.

This button does not display if the staff member’s profile lacks inline editing permission.

Analyze The buttons in this group let you sort the data shown on the report and apply rollups and slicing to the data.
Sort Click this button to open the Sort window and select which output columns to sort by and the sort method. See How You Change Report Sort Order.
Rollups Click this button to select rollup options and open the Rollups window. See Define Rollups.
Slice Click this button to slice the data in the report. Slicing lets you group tabular data that shares common values in fields included in the report. See How You Slice Report Data.
Data Dictionary Click this button to hide or display the data dictionary at the bottom of the report designer. You can select fields from the database to use in the report from the data dictionary. See Overview of the Data Dictionary.
Data Set The buttons in this group let you add or edit columns, tables, filters, variables, and edit comparison date offsets.
Tables Click this button to view the tables used in the report, change the joins used between the tables, add and delete tables from the report, and add join filters. See Overview of Table Relationships in Reports.
Filters Click this button to view, add, edit, or delete report filters. See Create a Fixed or Runtime Selectable Filter.
Variables Click this button to view, add, edit, or delete variables. See Variables.
Analyze Click this button to preview the report’s database query. See How to Review Report Performance.
Add Filter Click this button to add a report filter. See Create a Fixed or Runtime Selectable Filter.
Add Variable Click this button to add a variable to the report. See Variables.
Comparison Click this button to add comparison date offsets for comparison columns. See Add a Comparison Value Column to a Report.
Add Column Click this button to add a column to the report. See Add a Column to a Report.

You can also add columns by dragging them from the data dictionary onto the design surface.