Simple Steps for Creating a Bursting Definition

Table 13-1 How to create a Bursting Definition

Tasks Perform these Sub Tasks For More Information

Creating a new Bursting Definition

You can create a new Bursting Definition in three ways:

  • Log into Narrative Reporting.

    From the Library, in any non-system folder, click Add add and select Bursting from the menu.

  • From the Narrative Reporting Home page, click Bursting bursting icon.

  • From the Narrative Reporting Welcome Panel, click Create, and then select Bursting.

Creating a new Bursting Definition

Selecting a Bursting Artifact

You can select either a Report or Book.

Selecting a Bursting Artifact

Setting the Bursting Point of View

You can set the Bursting POV Dimension for a Report or Book.

To set the Bursting POV:

  • The Bursting POV Dimension, where you can select a POV dimension and the required members to run the bursting operation.

  • The Global Point of View (POV) allows selecting members for dimensions that are defined within a Report or Book.

Setting the Bursting Point of View

Using the Targeted Distribution File

The Targeted Distribution File is a Comma Separated Value (CSV) file that defines the list of members to burst on, along with corresponding Email addresses and users or groups for Library permissions.

Using the Targeted Distribution File, you can do any of the following:

  • Send an Email with the PDF output files to external users, system users, and groups.

  • Set the Library access permissions for the system users and groups.

  • Upload a CSV file from Local file system.

  • Use the Targeted Distribution file in the Samples, as a starting point to create your own Targeted Distribution File.

  • You can upload a CSV file from the Library. You have an option to save the Targeted Distribution CSV file along with the Bursting Definition, otherwise it is linked to the Library file.

Selecting the Targeted Distribution File

Using the Legacy Distribution File

Using the Legacy Distribution CSV file, you can utilize a Legacy bursting CSV file that was previously used in the Financial Reporting.

From the Use Legacy Distribution File in the bursting definition, you can upload a Legacy CSV file from Local file system.

Setting the Legacy Distribution File

For more information on the Financial Reporting bursting CSV file, refer to the Hyperion Financial Reporting User's Guide.

Selecting a Distribution Format

When bursting a report, you can publish to PDF or static (not refreshable in Smart View) Excel workbooks. You specify a Distribution Format of either Excel or PDF.

Selecting a Distribution Format

Defining Success Notifications

You can use the Success Notification to notify specific recipients of the successful execution of the Bursting Definition.

  • You can send an Email to the system users and groups.

  • You can send external Emails to the specified recipients.

Defining Success Notifications

Defining Failure Notifications

You can use the Failure Notification to notify specific recipients of the execution failure of the Bursting Definition.

  • You can send an Email to the system users and groups.

  • You can send external Emails to the specified recipients.

Defining Failure Notifications

Configuring the Email Channel for Bursting Definition

To Email the generated output files, perform these steps:

  • Create a Distribution List, if you are not using the Targeted Distribution File.

  • Provide a unique Attachment Name for sending an Email with the output file attached.

  • Compose an Email with Subject and Message body to the specified recipients.

  • Optionally, Consolidate Attachments for a recipient into one email and ZIP Attachments.

  • Note: You can send the generated report files to an external Email address.

Configuring the Email Channel

Configuring the Library Channel for Bursting Definition

To publish the output file to the Library, perform these steps:

  • Create a system User List, if you are not using the Targeted Distribution File.

  • Provide an Artifact Name for publishing the output file to the Library.

  • Select a Root Folder in the Library.

  • Set the Path Hierarchy information where the published output will be stored.

Configuring the Library Channel

Managing Users

In the following configuration settings, you can add or remove the system users, and groups:

  • Success Notification

  • Failure Notification

  • Email Channel

  • Library Channel

Note: For Library channel, you cannot provide an external email address.

Managing Users

Saving the Bursting Definition

Review all settings, make any necessary changes, and then click Save.

Saving the Bursting Definition

Working with Bursting Definition Action Menus

  • Validating the Bursting Definition

  • Managing the Data Sources

  • Executing the Bursting Definition

Working with the Bursting Definition Actions Menu

Using Prompts with a Bursting Definition

You can use a Report or Book that contains prompts.

Using Prompts with a Bursting Definition

Using a Bursting Definition with Multiple Data Sources

You can create a Bursting Definition for a Report or Book that contains multiple data sources.

Any common dimensions across data sources are combined so that a single POV selection can affect the different data sources.

Using a Bursting Definition with Multiple Data Sources

Reviewing the Sample Bursting Definition Files

Use the samples as a guideline to create your own Bursting Definition Files.

Reviewing the Sample Bursting Definition Files

Set Access Permissions for Bursting Definition

You can set roles and access for the Bursting Definition.

Setting Access Permissions for a Bursting Definition