Steps to setup Engage

Setting up Engage involves installation, configuration, user setup, and email template design. Use the table below to help guide you through the setup process.

Step Description

Installing Engage

Install the Engage app in your instance. A customer administrator should perform the install.

See Installing Engage.

Configuring the Engage app

Configure the Engage app for your organization’s needs. You can configure settings like:

  • How many recipients can be added to an email and whether to limit the number of sends to an individual contact.
  • What controls users have access to in the Engage email editor.
  • Override the default sender address for all Engage emails.

See Configuring Engage.

Setting up Engage users

To use Engage, users must have the Engage license and appropriate asset permissions. Additionally, if users will be using the Oracle Eloqua Sales Tools for Microsoft Outlook, users must have the Eloqua Sales Tools for Microsoft Outlook license.

To use an email template, Engage users must have view access to view all assets associated with the template:

  • Email template, template headers and footers
  • Any landing page or associated form referenced by an email template
  • Cascading asset permissions from there may also be required - for example, assets referenced by form processing rules

We recommend assigning Engage users to the following security groups:

  • Engage Users
  • Active Users Sales

These groups grant the appropriate licenses and ensure that View permissions are granted to appropriate assets. If you customize security groups or default asset permissions, consider the impact to your Engage users. Learn more about security groups .

Engage users can be

Allowing Engage users to create contacts

By default, Engage users cannot create new Eloqua contacts. If you want to allow users to create contacts, grant users the Manage Contacts action permission. See action permissions.

You should then also ensure the Engage users have access to the appropriate contact views. See Configuring Eloqua contact views in Sales Tools.

Setting up email group access

Email templates are made available to Engage users based on email group access. If the Engage user has access to the group, they can access emails assigned to that group.

In addition, if you allow Engage users to create their own templates for sharing with other Engage users, they can choose the email group for that email.

See Making a template available in Engage and Email groups.

Creating Engage templates

Now you can create your Engage templates. Make sure templates are assigned to the correct email group from the previous step. Additionally, Engage users must have view access to the email and any assets referenced in the email (landing page, form, custom object, etc.)

See Making a template available in Engage.

Creating signature layouts

If you want Engage emails to use a standard signature, setup and configure the signature layouts. You can add the signature layout to Engage templates, and they are also available from the Engage email toolbar. Engage users must have view access to use the signature layout. See Signature layouts.

If you allow Engage users to send personal emails (blank emails), they can also set up their own signature using the Engage app. See Creating an email signature.

Testing Engage templates

It is important to test the Engage templates you’ve set up as if you were an Engage user. Consider setting up a test Engage user in Eloqua with the same configuration as a Engage user. Use this user account to do all of your Engage testing. Learn more about accessing Engage.

If your users will be using the Oracle Eloqua Sales Tools for Microsoft Outlook add-in, be sure to test your templates in Microsoft Outlook as well. Learn more about the Microsoft Outlook add-in.

Accessing Engage

Work with your sales organization to determine the best method for accessing Engage.

  • Integrate Engage with your CRM
    This would allow sales users to access engage directly from the CRM. You can embed Engage as a tab, link to it as a button, etc. See Engage integration.
  • Use the Oracle Eloqua Sales Tools for Microsoft Outlook add-in
    This is an add-in that your users can install on their own or your IT department can deploy to an entire organization. See Oracle Eloqua Sales Tools for Microsoft Outlook .
  • Direct link
    This is a customizable link you can use to launch Engage directly.

Learn about the URL structure for access engage and the optional parameters that can be used to open a specific template, recipient, and so on. See Accessing Engage.

Onboard Engage users

Now you can onboard your Engage users. Be sure to give them an overview of the tool, templates, and appropriate usage guidelines from your organization. Also considering how you will share templates with users going forward.

See Using Engage for tasks related to using Engage.

Report and monitor

After sales reps start using Engage, you can use Insight reports to monitor template performance and overall usage.

Start with these reports available from the Insight catalog:

Sales reps can also review the performance for their sent messages. Refer to the following topics for more information:

Learn more


Installing Engage

Configuring Engage

Making a template available in Engage

Engage integration