Action permission descriptions

The following table provides a description of the action permissions available in Oracle Eloqua.



Export report data A legacy permission that is no longer in use.


Consume API Allows a user to make calls to Oracle Eloqua using the Eloqua SOAP API.


Set-up Marketing Campaigns  
Campaign Customer Administrators Allows a user to edit opportunity contact attribution and their methods.
Delete All Opportunities  


Set Contact Subscription Status Allows a user to change the subscription status for a contact (to subscribe, unsubscribe, global subscribe, global unsubscribe).
Unsubscribe Contacts via a Report  
Delete a Contact Record Allows a user to delete a contact record.
Manage Contacts Allows a user to add or modify contacts in Oracle Eloqua.
Manage Data Import Allows a user to import contacts and accounts using the Data Import tool.
Upload Contact/Prospects/Companies Allows a user to use the Contact Upload Wizard to upload contacts, prospects and accounts via a file (such as .csv, .txt., xls).
Change Contact Bounceback Status Allows a user to change a contact’s bounceback status.
Manage Data Export Allows a user to export contacts and accounts using the Data Export tool. This action permission is required to use the Bulk API to export contacts.

Content Blocks

Manage Blocks Allows a user to create, edit, and delete content blocks.


CRM Username and Password Allows a user to change the user name and password for CRM integrations.
Integration Reports Allows a user to run integrated CRM reports.
Run Integration Rules Allows a user to process integration rules that have been configured for a CRM integration.
Edit Integration Rules Allows a user to modify the integration rules that have been configured for a CRM integration.

Custom Objects

Edit Custom Object Allows a user to edit a custom object or a custom object record.
Delete Custom Object Allows a user to delete a custom object or a custom object record.
Move Custom Object Allows a user to move a custom object record from one location to another.
Map Custom Object Allows a user to map fields in custom object records to Oracle Eloqua fields.
Copy Custom Object Allows a user to make a copy of a custom object record.
Creating Conditional Services Allows a user to create conditional criteria when creating custom object records.

Data Privacy

Manage Data Privacy Configuration Allows a user to access to the Data Privacy Configuration options.


Create an Email Group Allow a user to create an email group.
Use Email Testing Options Allow a user to access the Test Content area of the application to verify email client previews, check for spam content and validity of links to websites, email addresses, and more.
Advanced Email Batch Send options Allow a user to modify Advanced Options for email batches.
Apply Signature to Email Batch Allow a user to add a personalized signature to an email batch.
Administer Email Batches Allow a user to create and modify email batches.
Use Email Tools Allow a user to access to the Tools icon when creating an Email in the Email Editor, providing the ability to format text, page and border layout, colors, and more.
Send Email Batch Send an email batch.
Manage Signatures Allow a user to create and modify signatures used in an email.
Manage Dynamic Content Allow a user to create and modifydynamic content in an email.

External Testing Reports

Send as any User Allow a user to change the name displayed in the "From" field when sending an email directly from the Email Editor, such as for testing purposes.
Manage External Tracking Allow a user to enable or disable external tracking and configure the service used for tracking.
Send Email To Globally Unsubscribed Contacts Allow a user to send emails to a contact that is on the Global Unsubscribed list.
Send Email To Contacts On Master Exclude List Allow a user to send emails to a contact that is on the Master Exclude List.

Email Footer / Email Header

Create New Footer Allows a user to create an Email Footer in the Component Library.
Create New Header Allows a user to create an Email Header in the Component Library.

External Assets

Define External Assets and Activities Allows a user to add and manage external assets and activities using the campaign canvas.
Upload External Assets Allows a user to upload external assets. The process is considered a data import.
Register External Activities Allows a user to create external activities.


Manage Account Fields Allows a user to create, update, and delete account fields.
Manage Contact Fields Allows a user to create, update, and delete contact fields.


Delete Form Data Allows a user to remove data collected via form submissions.
Create Form Allows a user to create a new form.
Manage Form Notification Setup Allow a user to create customized form notifications, which are emails a user receives when a contact performs specified criteria.
Enable Form Spam Protection

Allow a user to enable form spam protection, which will prevent form submissions from unverified sources.

Note: To enable this feature, please log in to My Oracle Support and create a service request.

View Form Submission Data Allows a user to view submission data within a form.
View Spam Data Allows a user to view spam data within a form.
Export Submission Data Allows a user to export form submission data and spam data from a form.


As of January 2021, HIPAA clients will have the Authenticated Portal enabled as part of their HIPAA solution. The HIPAA app, which is comparable to Authenticated Portals, is only available to customers enabled for the HIPAA solution before January 2021. The Authenticated Portals offers greater flexibility, personalization, and reporting capabilities for our HIPAA customers.

Manage HIPAA Configuration

Allows access to the HIPAA configuration options.

Hypersites (Microsites)

Create Hypersite Allows a user to create and manage microsites.
Register Hypersite DNS Entry Allows a user to register the Domain Name Servers (DNS) record information for a microsite.
Unlink Microsite Landing Page Dependencies Allows a user to unlink landing pages from microsites. Learn more.

Lead Generation

Delete a Prospect Record Allows a user to delete a lead scoring record for a contact.
Delete a Company Record Allows a user to delete lead scoring record for an account.
Manage Companies Allows a user to add, modify, and delete accounts.


Perform Quick Search  
Edit My Dashboard From My Settings  
Edit Agent From My Settings  
Edit My Email Updates  
Manage a User's Email Updates  
Manage Users (General) Allows a user to manage individual user security, such as actions or interfaces per user.
Enable or Disable Maintenance Mode Enables access to Services in the Marketing Operations Center, which allows users to start and stop services.
Manage Users (Email)  
Manage Notifications Allows a user to create, edit, and copy visitor notifications.
Switch to User

This option, though visually available, is not available for use.

Manage User Security Allows a user to specify security permissions such as actions or interfaces per user for individual Eloqua users.
Manage System Configuration Allows a user to access to the security configuration area.
Manage Security Groups Allows a user to create and modify security groups.
Manage System Settings Allows a user to edit global system settings, such as email configuration, master exclude, custom objects, and more. Users need this action permission to turn on Insight reporting for custom objects.
Manage Web Integration Allows a user to create and modify Eloqua integration with a CRM.
Manage Visitor Notification Setup Allows a user to create and configure visitor notification emails.
Install Cloud Applications Allows a user to access to installing and configuring Oracle Marketing AppCloud apps.
Synchronize Sandboxes Allows a user to synchronize sandboxes.
Manage SSO Settings Allows a user to create and edit single sign-on (SSO) settings for logging into Eloqua.
Manage Contact Level Security Allows a user to access to Contact Level Security features.
Manage Run as User Allows a user to run a campaign as a different user.
Manage Asset Badge Definition Allows a user to create and modify Asset Badge Definitions for campaign approvals.
Manage Announcements Allows a user to create and modify Announcements from the Marketing Operations Center.
Access to App Cloud Developer Allows a user to access to the Oracle Eloqua AppCloud Developer Framework.
Manage Sales Tool Configuration Settings Allows a user to manage Sales Tools configuration settings.
Manage Reporting Allows a user to create and modify reports.
Manage Security Domains Allows a user to create and modify security domains.
Manage Keys Allows a user to create and modify SSH keys for Integration tools.
Manage Services Allows access to the Services interface, where you can set maintenance mode.
Manage Authenticated Contacts Allows access to Authenticated Portals configuration.
Manage Auditing Allows access to the audit history log interface. Learn more about auditing in Oracle Eloqua.
Manage Field Value Tracking  
Create Users Allows a user to create Oracle Eloqua users.
Delete Users Allows a user to delete Oracle Eloqua users.

Operational Reports

View Operational Reports Allows a user to see the Operational Reports tab in the Campaign Canvas, Program Canvas, the Design Editors, and the Source Editors. This permission allows for more control over the data that is accessible to marketers via operational reports to meet data privacy policies.

Program Builder

Drop an individual member From Program Allows a user to remove a single member from a step in a program in Program Builder.
Drop Multiple From Program Allows a user to delete multiple contacts from a program in Program Builder.
Manually Set Ownership of Program Members Allows a user to manually set ownership of Program Members in Program Builder.
Set Step Ownership To Open Allows a user to set the ownership of a Program Step in the Program Builder to "Open" so that .
Update Ownership for Source Contact  
Remove From Program Allows a user to remove a contact from a program in Program Builder.
Manually Re-assign Ownership Within a Program  
Manually Re-assign Ownership of Multiple Members  
Edit Task Allows a user to edit a program task in Program Builder.
Program Builder Test Mode Allows a user to run a program in test mode in Program Builder.
Manage Field Value Tracking Allows a user to enable contact fields that can be subscribed to from a program. Learn more about enabling fields for tracking.


Important: This feature is only available if your organization has purchased SMS services. Please contact your account manager for additional information and pricing.

Send SMS

Allow a user to send SMS messages to contacts.

Send Transactional SMS to Opted Out Phone Numbers

Allow a user to send transactional SMS messages to phone numbers that have opted out of SMS communications. Learn more.

Template Manager

Manage Templates Allows a user to manage templates for inclusion in the Template Library.

Learn more

Setting action permissions