Point-and-Click Customization

Customize the NetSuite UI and business logic through point-and-click options in the UI.


Customization lets you adapt NetSuite to meet your company's business process with a point-and-click interface. For information about Customization, see Customization Overview.

You can create the following:


Workflows provide automation of a custom business process for a NetSuite record. For example, transaction approval, lead nurturing, and record management.

You define workflows for a record type and the stages, or states, of a record as it moves through the business process. In each state, actions specified in the workflow definition are performed before the workflow completes or transitions to another state. A workflow can move between different states, or transition, depending on the business process requirements. The actions and transitions can contain conditions that must be met before the action or transitions execute.

Triggers are events that occur when records are viewed, created, or updated and dictate when the workflow should perform certain tasks. Server triggers and client triggers specify when a workflow should initiate, when actions should be performed, or when a record should transition to another state. You can also run workflows on a schedule.

For more information, see the following topics:

Copy to Account

Copy to Account is an administrator tool that can copy a custom record (custom object) between your accounts. From the NetSuite application, you can select a target account, choose dependencies, select to include record instances, then preview and deploy the custom record. The tool can copy one custom object (including dependencies and instances) at a time to an account from which you have administrator access.

Copy to Account is powered by SuiteCloud Development Framework (SDF) and available to production, development, and sandbox account types. You can use Copy to Account if the object is supported by SDF and is not locked, hidden, or part of another SuiteApp. For a list of supported object types, see Customizations Supported by SuiteCloud Development Framework.

For more information, see Copy to Account.

Copy to Account provides administrators with the benefits of distributing a customization between accounts they own. If you want to use code to customize objects and deploy them to an account, or bundle custom objects and distribute them to multiple accounts, the following development tools are available:

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