Adding Line Items to an Existing Subscription

Enable the Add-On Items feature if you want to add items to an existing subscription. To enable the Add-On Items feature, see Enabling SuiteBilling Features.

You can add additional line items to a subscription at any time, even after the start of the subscription. On the Lines subtab of the subscription, in the Catalog Type column, these new line items are identified as Add-On. After you add an add-on item to the subscription, that item follows the same workflow as any subscription line item.

You can add multiple subscription line items at one time.

Add-on items are optional. You set the price of each add-on item as you create it. There is no predefined pricing. You can add any service or non-inventory item that is defined in the subscription catalog to a subscription. After it is saved, an add-on item is treated the same as any subscription line item and can be moved to Pending Activation, then activated.

You can prorate committed or recurring add-on items but not one-time, overage, or usage line items.

You can prorate charges by month or day.


You can modify the Prorate By setting only when the recurring subscription item status is Draft.

The commitment quantity for commit plus overage services is prorated based on the prorate setting, not by prorating the amounts.

Example: The following table shows the difference in charges with Proration By Day enabled versus Proration By Month for a 12–month contract:














Days in Month













Monthly Charge with Prorate By Day Enabled













Monthly Charge with Prorate By Month Enabled













For more information and an example, see Proration Options.

Included quantity multipliers are not permitted for usage-based add-on items. You cannot define recurring add-on items as an included quantity multiplier for any usage line items. For more information about pricing, see Creating Price Books.

To add a new line item to a subscription:

  1. Go to Transactions > Subscriptions > Create Subscriptions > List.

  2. For the subscription you want to edit, click the subscription name.


    To find the subscription, you can:

    • Look in the Recent Records tab for recently completed subscriptions.

    • Enter the subscription name or subscription ID into the Global Search field.

  3. On the Subscription record, click Edit.

    A new item with the Catalog Type set to Add-On appears at the bottom of the page.

    Lines subtab showing new add-on line.
  4. On the Lines subtab, complete the information for the add-on item:

    1. In the Item column, select the item you want to add.

    2. In the Subscription Line Type column, select the appropriate line type: One Time, Recurring, Usage, or Commit Plus Overage.

      Using the Commit Plus Overage line types, you can charge in advance for a committed usage quantity and charge for overage if more is used than the committed quantity.

      After an add-on item line has been saved, it is not possible to change the line type even if the line is still in draft status. For example, if the add-on line is saved as a recurring line type, it cannot subsequently be edited and changed to a usage line type. Any change in line type is prevented after the add-on has been saved.

    3. Review the following fields and update the values if needed:

      • Include – The box is checked by default to include this item in the subscription.

      • Billing Mode – From the list, select the required billing mode: In Advance or In Arrears.

      • Prorate Start Date and Prorate End Date – Click in the field to display the box and turn proration on or off as required.

      • Include in Renewal Subscription – Click in the field to display the box. Check the box to include this item in any future renewals.

      • Revenue Recognition Option – Select one of the following options:

        • One Time – Select this option if available to recognize revenue one time at the beginning of the term (for example, for setup fees).

        • Over subscription term – Select this option to recognize revenue over the term of the subscription.

    4. Click Add.

  5. On the Pricing subtab, add pricing information for the new line item:

    1. In the Charge Frequency column, for recurring, usage, or commit plus overage line items, select the appropriate charge frequency: monthly, weekly, or annually.

      For commit plus overage service types only, set the overage charge frequency, overage repeat every, overage price .

    2. In the Repeat Every column, select the appropriate option.


      For a monthly charge frequency, in the Charge Frequency column, select Monthly, and in the Repeat Every column, select 1. For a quarterly charge frequency, in the Charge Frequency column, select Monthly, and in the Repeat Every column, select 3.

      The Repeat Every column on the subscription pricing line is an integer field. Repeat Every can be any positive integer, so you can create non-standard charge frequencies as needed. Repeat Every must be a positive integer between 1 and 120 for Weekly charge frequency, between 1 and 120 for Monthly charge frequency, or between 1 and 10 for Annual charge frequency.

    3. Click the edit icon.

    4. In the Pricing Option column, select Fixed Amount or Rate.

    5. In the Value column, enter the price.

    6. In the Prorate By column, if desired, change the default setting of Day to Month.

      For example, a 12–month subscription costs $12,000 and is billed monthly, but only 11 months are active. With the default setting of Prorate By Day, the monthly charge is $1098.08. If you choose Prorate By Month instead, the charge for each month is rounded to $1,000.

    7. Complete any additional optional fields.

    8. Click Save.

      For more information about pricing, see Creating Price Plans.

  6. Repeat these steps for each additional add-on item.

  7. When you finish adding items, click Save.

Related Topics

Creating a New Stand-alone Subscription
Creating a Subscription from a Transaction
Updating a Subscription on a Transaction
Activating a Subscription
Creating Usage Records
Managing Rating Runs
Terminating a Subscription Line Item
Suspending a Subscription Line Item
Reactivating a Subscription Line Item
Modifying Pricing
Renewing a Subscription
Adding Renewal Information to Subscription Plans

General Notices