Modifying Pricing

To change pricing, use the modify pricing change order. Modify pricing change orders change the existing price for one or more active subscription items based on a quantity, rate, or discount change. For fundamental information about change orders, see SuiteBilling Change Orders.

You may need to modify the rate, quantity, or discount of an item during the subscription term. For example, a client calls three months into the subscription term and asks to add additional licenses because they have hired new employees. Or, the client needs to increase the discount during the term because one of their customers is unhappy.

To modify pricing:

  1. Go to Transactions > Subscriptions > Create Subscriptions > List.

  2. For the subscription for which you want to modify pricing, click View.

  3. Click Modify Pricing.

  4. (Optional) If you want to use off-cycle pricing, check the Use Off-Cycle Invoice for Advance Charges box. For information about off-cycle invoicing, see Off-Cycle Invoicing with Modify Pricing Change Orders.

  5. In the Effective Date field, enter or select a date.

  6. In the Requester field, if necessary, change the requester.

  7. In the Modification Type field, choose one of the following options:

    • New or Churn - The analytics revenue impact of the change order is classified as New or Churn.

    • Upsell or Downsell - The analytics revenue impact of the change order is classified as Upsell or Downsell.

    • Ignored - The change order has no analytics revenue impact.

  8. On the line for which line you want to modify the discount, price, quantity, uplift, overage price, or overage discount, click the Apply box.

  9. If you are modifying the price, click the new price plan and fill in the needed price plan details.

  10. Review all other field values and update as required.

  11. Click Save.

When create revenue elements per subscription revision is on and there is a price modification, the linked modification element will not have a revenue amount. The price modification can be either a rate change or discount change with no quantity change associated with it. These types of changes have no change to the performance obligation so can be retrospectively merged back to the subscription arrangement. However, it is possible to prospectively merge the modification element.

Modifications that are not effective on previous charge period start date on the line will require proration to trigger. Proration will be based on the charge frequency, prorate by, recurrence start date, and other change orders within the same period.

After modifying pricing, you can return to the subscription by going to Transactions > Subscriptions > Create Subscriptions > List.

Off-Cycle Invoicing with Modify Pricing Change Orders

The off-cycle invoice for in-advance charges with modify pricing change order enables you to generate an invoice for the charges created based on this change order. Any charges that are generated with a start that is before the next bill cycle date will be invoiced. To confirm if you can perform this action, make sure there is an Off-Cycle Request still available under the related records tab. When processing the off-cycle invoice, be sure to check the Bill Run (Off-Cycle Transactions) box only, otherwise the invoice will process as a normal bill run. For details, see Billing Operations. For fundamental information about change orders, see SuiteBilling Change Orders.

After modifying pricing, you can return to the subscription by going to Transactions > Subscriptions > Create Subscriptions > List.

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