Reactivating a Subscription Line Item

Reactivate suspended line items using the reactivate change order.

For fundamental information about change orders, see SuiteBilling Change Orders.

After an item is suspended, a customer may want to again receive the item that was suspended. To reactivate an item, it must have the Suspended status.

To reactivate a subscription line item:

  1. On the subscription record, from the Actions menu, select Reactivate.

  2. In the Effective Date field, enter or select a date for the reactivation.

  3. In the Requester field, if necessary, change the requester.

  4. In the Modification Type field, choose one of the following options:

    • New or Churn – The analytics revenue impact of the change order is classified as New or Churn.

    • Upsell or Downsell – The analytics revenue impact of the change order is classified as Upsell or Downsell.

    • Ignored – The change order has no analytics revenue impact.

  5. Check the Apply box associated with the line item you want to reactivate.

  6. Click Save.

After submitting a reactivate change order, the subscription item reactivates on the effective date.

To revert a subscription line to Pending Activation status, you must void all its change orders. For instructions, see Voiding a Change Order.

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