
A center is a set of tabbed pages that adjusts accordingly to your role. There are different types of centers in NetSuite, including standard centers, and a special NetSuite Account Center. Each NetSuite center provides the pages and links that you need to do your job. For example, the Accounting Center’s tabbed pages provide data and links that are relevant for Accountants, Bookkeepers, Payroll Managers, and Clerks. For more information about the standard centers, see Centers Overview.

Each tabbed page displays a collection of real-time data called a dashboard. You can personalize your dashboard and see dashboards that are published by administrators. For more information, see Dashboards.

When you log in to NetSuite, the system determines your last used role and account, or a default role that you set up, and displays the associated center. For more information, see Roles and Accounts.

SuiteSuccess customers have predefined centers for their users. SuiteSuccess takes a holistic approach to product adoption. Extensive product experience, domain knowledge, and leading practices dictate the built-in business process flows and KPIs that are provided for a specific business and industry. SuiteSuccess customers have custom roles and centers that are appropriate for their edition of SuiteSuccess. The role-based user dashboards provided enable you to meet your business needs more effectively.

Some pages are included in all centers and accessible to all roles. For more information, see Pages Common to all Centers.

If you have a role with the Administrator permission or the Custom Centers permission, you can customize the user interface of a center. For more information, see Custom Centers.

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