Setting Default Forms for Roles

You can set default forms for your users by customizing roles and assigning them to your users. This lets you tailor the level of access you want to give to users.

A role is a set of permissions that lets customers, vendors, and employees access specific areas of your data. You assign roles on customer, vendor, and employee records.

By setting a default form for your users you can control the entry and transaction forms they use to enter data. Note that Employee Center roles are given limited access to forms such that only one form is ever made available to this type of role. For other types of roles, in addition to setting a default, you can also restrict access to particular forms.

For example, you can set a custom case entry form as the only form your support reps can use. This maintains consistency in your company and lets you capture the information that is most important for your business.


To make a custom transaction or entry form a default form, you must first customize and save your forms.

To set a default form for roles:

  1. Go to Setup > Users/Roles > Manage Roles.

  2. Click Customize next to the role you want to set a form for.

  3. Enter a name for your custom role.

  4. Click the Forms subtab.

  5. Click the section you want to set default forms for.

    • Transaction – Set default forms for transactions such as cash refunds, cash sales, invoices, and sales orders.

    • Entity – Set default forms for the records you keep for people and companies in NetSuite, such as employees and customers.

    • CRM – Set default forms for CRM-related activities and records such as campaigns, cases, events, and tasks

    • Time – Set default forms for time entries.

    • Item – Set default forms for item records.

    • Other Record – Set default forms for other types of records, such as competitor records.

  6. In the Enabled column, clear any boxes for forms this role should not have access to. (not available for Customer Center roles)

    If you disable all forms for a record or transaction type, users with this role will use the standard form.

  7. Check the box in the Preferred column next to any form that should be the default for this role.


    Be aware of the following about marking a transaction or CRM form Preferred for Customer Center roles: External forms, meaning forms with names appended with (External), can be marked Preferred for Customer Center roles, but not for other roles. Forms that are not external cannot be marked as Preferred for Customer Center roles, so they are not listed on the Forms tab of Customer Center role records.

  8. To have this form to be the only form available to this role, check the box in the Restricted column.

  9. Click Save.

If you set default forms and do not make the defaults restricted, your users can still change the form they use when they are entering transactions or records.

After you have set default forms, you need to assign your customized roles to your employees. You can assign roles on the Access subtab of employee records.

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