Summary Search Filters

If you defined summary types for any of your search results columns, you can apply additional filters to the summary results page of this search. For more information about summary types for results fields, see Defining Summary Types to Roll Up Search Results.


For more details about summary types, see Summary Type Descriptions and Summary Type Example Screenshots.

The summary search results page displays only those results fields that have a summary type assigned. The rest of the results fields are available in the detailed search results view that opens when you click an item on the summary search results page.

Additional filtering can be applied only to the fields that are displayed on the summary search results page.

To apply additional filtering to summary search results:

  1. On the Criteria tab of the search definition page, click the Summary subtab.

    To learn more about the search definition page, see Defining an Advanced Search and Defining a Saved Search.

  2. In the Summary Type and Field columns, select the options that match the field and its summary type defined on the Results tab of the search.


    If you use a multi-select related record type or a multi-select field from a related record type to define your summary search filter, your search results may be multiplied. (Related record types that have join fields available to be used as filters are listed at the end of the field list and are followed by ‘...’, for example, Account Fields....) There is currently no workaround for this feature.

  3. Click the Set Description button Set description button next to the field you selected.

  4. In the popup window that opens, enter a value and search logic (if available) for the field used as a filter, and click Set.

  5. The filter value appears in the Description column.

    Search Summary filter

KPIs cannot enforce summary search filters, because KPI calculations do not include groupings. If a saved search used as a custom KPI includes any summary search filters, the result for the KPI may differ from results when the search is run.

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