If You Forget the Answers to Your Security Questions

Since you are not often prompted to respond to the security questions you set up, you may occasionally forget your questions, or the answers you provided. The easiest way to handle this is when you are logged in to NetSuite. Click the Update Security Questions link in the Settings portlet. Select new questions, or provide answers to your existing questions. See Update Security Questions Link for details.

If you are attempting to log in to NetSuite and are prompted to answer a security question but cannot remember the answer you gave, you might be required to reset your password or ask your account administrator to do so.

If an account administrator resets your password, your previously saved security questions are erased and you must set up these questions and answers again. If you reset your own password, the existing security questions and answers are maintained.

Remember your answers! You will not often be prompted to answer a security question, so you may forget that you set them up. If you do forget your answers, the following suggestions should help.

To deal with forgotten security questions:

  1. You have five attempts when answering security questions during login. You have 20 attempts when answering security questions during password reset. Try the most likely answers you would have given.

  2. If the first attempt does not succeed, try again. Keep trying the most logical answers to your security questions.


    Case does not matter, so do not waste an attempt by changing some characters to a different case.

  3. If you cannot reset your own password, and cannot remember your answers to security questions:

    1. Update your security questions when you are already logged in to NetSuite.

    2. Ask your account administrator to reset your password. If your account administrator resets your password, your existing security questions and answers are erased. After your password is reset, you must set up new security questions and answers. If you or your account administrator cannot reset your password, your account administrator can contact Support for assistance.

    3. Ask your account administrator to designate your role as a two-factor authentication (2FA) required role. Roles that are designated as requiring 2FA are never asked security questions. For more information, see Logging In Using Two-Factor Authentication (2FA).

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