Sales and Purchase Functionality Available in Custom Transactions

Generally, sales and purchase custom transactions function the same as standard transactions, for example, invoice or vendor bill. Currently, the following features are supported by sales and purchase custom transactions:

Additionally, you can create transformation workflows to support your business transaction flows. The following transaction transformations are supported by sales and purchase custom transactions:

For more information, see Supported Transformation Types.

To view a sample of a sales and purchase transaction workflow, see Sales Custom Transaction Transform Action Workflow Example. For more information about workflows, see SuiteFlow Overview.

Taxation for sales and purchase custom transactions is calculated the same way as it is for standard transactions. The following table shows the relationship between sales and purchasing custom transactions and the standard transactions that calculate tax the same way.

Custom Transaction

Standard Transaction

Debit sales custom transaction


Credit sales custom transaction


Debit purchase custom transaction


Credit purchase custom transaction

Bill Credit

For more information, see Custom Transaction Type Association with a SuiteTax Plug-in.

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