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Oracle® Advanced Support Gateway Security Guide

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Updated: June 2024

Exalogic Compute Nodes (Physical Implementation) and Exalogic Virtual Machines / Control Virtual Machines

These types of system have limited storage space on the root filesystem. Installing an agent on the root filesystem is deemed to put this limited space at risk. The implementation for these systems creates a project on the internal ZFS storage array in the rack and creates a filesystem for each node or VM that has an agent installed.

The installation on the node/VM will then perform the following:

  • Update the (v)fstab to ensure the filesystem is mounted from the ZFS storage array at boot time.

  • Mount the filesystem on the required directory.

  • Install and configure the Exalogic Lifecycle Toolkit, release 14.2.

    Refer to the Exalogic Lifecycle Tools Note 1912063.1 on the My Oracle Support (MOS) website at: https://support.oracle.com/epmos/faces/DocumentDisplay?id=1912063.1.

  • A user (orarom) will be granted the following privileges in the sudoers file:

    <user> <user> ALL= NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/dmidecode, /sbin/ethtool, /usr/bin/ipmitool, /usr/sbin/imageinfo, /usr/local/bin/imageinfo, /opt/oracle/bda/bin/imageinfo, /usr/bin/systemctl stop oracle-oasgagent.service, /usr/bin/systemctl start oracle-oasgagent.service, /usr/bin/systemctl restart oracle-oasgagent.service, /usr/bin/systemctl status oracle-oasgagent.service, /sbin/service oasgagent start, /sbin/service oasgagent stop, /sbin/service oasgagent restart, /sbin/service oasgagent status

    Note -  The profile may be updated if the option for Oracle to retain sudo privilege is granted.