
A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  L  M  N  O  P  R  S  T  U  V  W  Z  


  • Accessing Plug-In Manager 23.4.1
  • accessing Software Library Administration page 22.5
  • accessing Software Library console 22.1
  • Adapters 8.4
  • Adaptive Metric Thresholds, testing 9.2.4
  • Adaptive Threshold 9
  • Adaptive Threshold Metrics, deregistering 9.2.5
  • Adaptive Threshold Metrics, Registering 9.2.1
  • Adaptive Thresholds, accuracy 9.2.3
  • Adaptive Thresholds, concepts 9.2
  • Adaptive Thresholds, configuring 9.2.2
  • adaptive thresholds, monitoring templates 9.2.6
  • Add HTTP Location 22.7.3
  • adding targets 23.3
  • Add NFS Location 22.7.3
  • Add OMS Agent file system 22.7.2
  • Add OMS Agent file system location 22.7.3
  • Add OMS Shared file system 22.7.1
  • ADF timeout setting E
  • administration group
  • Administration Groups 1.4.2
  • Administrators 30.1
  • Advanced Threshold Management 9
  • Agents, updating 21.5
  • aggregration and purging policies
    • See data retention policies 20.2
  • alert message, customizing 1.4.3
  • alerts
    • automated responses 1.3.5
    • corrective actions 1.3.5
    • notification methods 1.5
    • notifications for 1.5
  • Always-On Monitoring 12, 12.3
  • Always-On Monitoring Properties 12.11
  • analyzing
  • apache timeout setting E
  • archive logging
    • for Management Repository database 20.1
  • auditing
  • Auto Apply Templates 7.3
  • automated
    • responses to alerts 1.3.5
  • automated patching
  • automated patching advantages 25.2.1
  • automatic domain member discovery 15.2
  • automatic logout E
  • automatic target discovery 15.1.1
  • Availability History Report, picture of 43.2


  • baseline normalized views 1.3.2
  • Baseline periods 9.2
  • baseline periods, moving window 9.2
  • Beacons
    • introduction 1.2
  • beadm 39.12
  • benefits of Information Publisher 43.1
  • blackouts
    • command-line interface and 1.3.7
    • controlling with emctl 4.3
    • examples 4.3
    • functionality of 1.3.7
    • retroactive 1.3.7
  • Blackouts 4.2
  • Blackouts Best Effort 4.4
  • boot environments 39.12


  • catalog archives
  • Checkpoint Firewall, Oracle ecosystem and 1.2
  • Cloud Control
  • Cloud Control Mobile 2.1.5
  • Command Line Interface (EMCLI)
  • configuring
    • blackouts, functionality of 1.3.7
    • monitoring templates 1.4.1
  • configuring Services
  • configuring Software Librar
    • installation procedure
      • OMS Agent storage 22.7.2
      • OMS shared file system 22.7.1
      • referenced storage location 22.7.3
  • configuring Software Library 22
    • administrators privileges 22.2
    • installation procedure 22.7
    • maintenance procedure 22.13
      • deleting Software Library storage location. 22.13.3
      • periodic maintenance tasks 22.13.1
      • re-importing Oracle owned entity files 22.13.2
    • overview 22.1
    • prerequisites 22.6
    • roles and Software Library privileges 22.2
    • storage 22.5
    • user roles and privileges 22.2
  • connect descriptor
    • using to identify the Management Repository database 20.3.1,
  • Connectors 1.6.3
  • corrective actions
  • CPU
  • creating
    • administration groups 6.3
    • custom reports 43.3.1
    • report definitions 43.2
  • Critical URL Monitoring, as substitute for Management Agent 1.2
  • cross platform transportable database
  • customizing
  • customizing Cloud Control pages 26
  • custom reports 43.3


  • dashboard
  • data
  • database
  • databases
  • database scheduler
  • Database Usage Tracking Report 44.1
  • Database Usage Tracking Report, creating 44.2.4
  • Database Usage Tracking Summary Report 44.1
  • Datalinks 32.1, 32.6.1
  • data purge policy 20.2.1
  • data retention policies
    • for Application Performance Management data 20.2.1
    • Management data 20.2.2
    • Management Repository 20.2
    • modifying default 20.2.3
  • dbms_scheduler 20.2.5
  • DBSNMP database user 27.7
    • setting the password for 27.7
  • default aggregation 20.2.1
  • Default Templates 7.3
  • deploying plug-ins 23.6.2, 23.6.4
  • deployment 23.3
  • deployment plug-ins
  • deployment status
  • discovering targets 23.3
  • disk
  • disk mirroring and stripping
    • Management Repository guideline 20.1
  • disk space management
    • controlling the size and number of log and trace files 28.4.3
    • controlling the size of log and trace files 28.4.4
  • downloading logs 28.1.3
  • downloading plug-ins 23.6.1,
  • drop command 20.3, 20.3.1
  • dropping the Management Repository 20.3


  • E-mail Customization
  • e-mail notifications, upper limits
  • e-mails, formats of 1.5.1
  • EMCLI, setting up 21.2.6
  • emctl
    • controlling blackouts 4.3
  • emctl.log 28.4.1
  • emctl.log file 27.21
  • emctl commands
    • Management Agent 27.9
  • EMCTL Commands for OMS 27.8
  • emctl reload 27.9
  • emctl status blackout 4.3
  • emctl upload 27.9
  • emoms_pbs.trc 28.4.1
  • emoms.log 28.4.3
  • EMS
  • EMSCA 12.5.2
  • EMSCA, parameters 12.5.2
  • EMSI
  • Enterprise Manager
    • blackouts, functionality of 1.3.7
    • monitoring templates 1.4.1
  • Enterprise Manager, maintaining 19.1
  • event attributes 2.1.1
  • Event connectors 1.6.3
  • Event Management 2.1.1
  • events
  • Events 1.3.4
  • Extended Network, as substitute for Management Agent 1.2
  • extensibility paradigm 23.2.1



  • gcagent_errors.log 28.3.1
  • generating HTML reports 43.2
  • Grid Control
  • Group Hierarchy 6.2
  • Group Members page, picture of 5.2.7
  • groups
    • central monitoring location 5.2.5
    • dashboard 5.2.9
    • description and purpose 5.1
    • management features 5.2
    • member targets 5.2.7



  • IBM WebSphere
    • Oracle ecosystem and 1.2
  • iDevice
    • supported by Cloud Control Mobile 45.1
  • Incident Attributes
  • incident creation
  • Incident Management 2.1.2
  • Incident Manager 1.6.1
    • Cloud Control Mobile 45.6
  • Incident Priority
  • Incidents
  • incidents, working with 2.3
  • incidents and problems
  • informational updates 21.4
  • Information Publisher
    • Create Like function 43.3
    • generating HTML reports 43.2
    • overview of 43
    • predefined reports 5.3
    • report
    • reporting framework 43
    • sharing reports 43.5
    • viewing reports 43.5
  • iTunes App Store
    • Cloud Control Mobile 45.1


  • job_queue_processes 20.2.5
  • Job Activity page 10.1
  • jobs
    • analyzing job activity 10.4
    • definition of 10.1
    • Job Activity page 10.1
    • job executions 10.1.3
    • job runs 10.1.3
    • modifying retention period 20.2.4
    • multitask
    • notification rules for e-mail 10.3.2
    • operations on runs and executions 10.1.4
    • privileges for sharing job responsibilities 10.2.3
    • purpose of 10.1
  • job slave processes 20.2.5


  • load balancer switches
    • BIG-IP, Oracle ecosystem and 1.2
  • local store 21.2.3
  • log4j.appender.emlogAppender. MaxBackupIndex 28.4.3
  • log4j.appender.emlogAppender. MaxFileSize 28.4.3
  • log4j.appender.emtrcAppender. MaxBackupIndex 28.4.3
  • log4j.appender.emtrcAppender. MaxFileSize 28.4.3
  • log files
    • controlling the size and number of 28.4.3
    • locating and configuring 28
    • locating Management Agent 28.3.2
    • locating Management Service 28.4.2
    • Management Agent 28.3
    • Oracle Management Service 28.4
    • searching 28.1.2
  • logging in to Cloud Control Mobile 45.4
  • logical domains
  • login timeout setting E
  • LVM (Logical Volume Manager) 20.1


  • Management Agent 28.3.1
    • Critical URL Monitoring as substitute 1.2
    • Extended Network as substitute 1.2
    • purpose of 1.1
  • Management Agent logs
  • Management Information Base (MIB) 3.6
    • definition 3.6.1
    • MIB variable descriptions 3.6.3
  • Management Repository 20.2.1
  • Management Service
    • starting and stopping on Windows systems 27.5
  • managing
  • managing Cloud Control Mobile sites 45.5
  • managing logs 28.1
  • manual domain member discovery 15.2.2
  • MaxBackupIndex
    • property in 28.4.3
  • MaxFileSize
    • property in 28.4.3
  • memory
  • metric
  • metric alert message, customizing 1.4.3
  • Metric Baselines 1.3.2
  • Metric Columns, Delta 8.3.5
  • Metric Columns, Rate 8.3.5
  • Metric Extension 1.3.6
  • Metric Extension, creating 8.3.5
  • Metric Extension, deleting 8.3.11
  • Metric Extension, editing 8.3.7
  • Metric Extension, exporting 8.3.10
  • Metric Extension, importing 8.3.9
  • Metric Extension Lifecycle 8.2
  • metric extensions 30.6
  • Metric extensions 8
  • Metric Extensions, administrator privileges 8.3
  • Metric Extensions, deploying 8.3.12
  • Metric Extensions, updating older versions 8.3.14
  • metrics
  • MGMT_METRICS_1DAY table 20.2.3
  • MGMT_METRICS_1HOUR table 20.2.3
  • MGMT_METRICS_RAW table 20.2.3
  • MIB
    • See: Management Information Base (MIB)
  • Migrating 22.13.3
  • migration
  • modes of patching 25.2
  • monitoring
    • alerts as they occur 5.2.9
    • basics of 1.1
    • templates
  • monitoring credentials
  • Monitoring Overview 1.1
  • Monitoring Template, creating 7.5
  • Monitoring Template, definition of 7.2
  • Monitoring Template, editing 7.6
  • Monitoring Template, retention period 7.12
  • Monitoring Templates 7.1
  • Monitoring Templates, applying to targets 7.7
  • Monitoring Templates, compare with targets 7.8
  • Monitoring Templates, exporting/importing 7.10
  • Moving window baseline periods 9.2
  • multitask jobs
  • My Oracle Support, OMS Patches 24.4.1
  • My Oracle Support, OPatchauto 24.4.1


  • NetApp Filers
    • Oracle ecosystem and 1.2
  • network
  • Networks 32.1
  • new product announcements 21.4
  • Non-global zones 40.1
  • Notification 30.4
  • notification methods
    • based on an SNMP trap 3.5
    • based on a PL/SQL Procedure 3.4
    • based on operating system commands 3.3
    • definition 3.2
  • notification rules
  • notifications
    • alerts 1.5
    • customizing 1.5.1
    • defining multiple mail servers 3.1.1
    • for jobs 10.3.2
    • long e-mail notifications
    • mail server settings 3.1.1
    • management information base (MIB) 3.6
    • methods 1.5
    • notification method 1.5
    • notification schedules
    • sample Operating System command script 3.3.1
    • setting up 3.1
    • short email notifications
  • notification schedules
  • notification system


  • Offline mode 25.2
  • OMS
    • emctl commands 27.8
  • OMS Configurations,OPatchauto 24.1.1
  • OMS Configurations, OPatchauto 24.1.1
  • OMS timeout setting E
  • Online mode 25.2
  • OPatchauto, prerequisites 24.3
  • opatchauto lspatches 24.5.3
  • OPatchauto Parameters 24.2
  • OPatchauto Property File 24.2.1
  • opatchauto version 24.4.5
  • operating system
  • Operating System command
    • sample notification method for 3.3
    • sample script 3.3.1
  • operating systems
  • Operating systems
  • Operating System scripts 3.2
  • Oracle
    • ecosystem 1.2
  • Oracle Data Guard 20.1
  • Oracle Enterprise Manager
    • log files 28
  • Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 27.3.1
  • Oracle HTTP Server logs 28.4.5
  • Oracle Management Agent
    • about log and trace files 28.3.1
    • location of log and trace files 28.3.2
    • log and trace files 28.3
  • Oracle Management Repository
  • Oracle Management Service
    • about the log and trace files 28.4.1
    • configuring timeout settings E
    • location the log and trace files 28.4.2
    • log and trace files 28.4
    • modifying monitoring credentials 27.7
  • Oracle Management Service logs 28.4.1, 28.4.3
  • Oracle Management Service trace files 28.4.4
  • Oracle MiniCluster
  • Oracle Process Management and Notification (OPMN)
    • using to start and stop the Management Service 27.5
  • Oracle Solaris
  • Oracle SuperCluster
  • Oracle VM Server for SPARC
  • Oracle WebLogic Server logs 28.4.5
  • Oracle ZFS Storage
  • oraEM4JobAlertTable A.3
  • oraEMNGEvent A.1
  • orAgentTraps A.2
  • OSI layers 32.1
  • OS scripts
    • See: Operating System scripts
  • OUI Inventory Configurations 24.1.2
  • Out-of-Box Monitoring 1.2
  • out-of-box reports 43.2


  • Patches and Updates 25.2.2
  • Patch Format 24.1.3
  • patching Enterprise Manager
    • Management Agent patching errors 25.2.7
    • Management Agents
      • accessing Patches and Updates 25.2.2
      • applying Agent patches 25.2.5
      • automated patching 25.2
      • manual patching 25.3
      • overview 25.1
    • searching Patches 25.2.4
    • verifying the applied agent patches 25.2.6
    • viewing Patch recommendations 25.2.3
  • patching Enterprise Manager core components 25
  • patching Management Agents 25
  • patching OMS 25
  • patching Repository 25
  • patch management solution
  • PDU
  • Performance
  • performance metrics
    • Beacon Aggregation Function
    • System Aggregation Function
  • Performance metrics
  • Performance Metrics
  • personlizing Cloud Control pages 26
  • PL/SQL procedures 3.2
    • while creating notification methods 3.4
  • planning outage periods, blackouts 1.3.7
  • plug-in archives
  • plug-in homes 23.9.1
  • plug-in id
  • plug-in manager 23, 23.4, 23.8
  • plug-ins 23.2, 23.2.1, 23.2.2, 23.5.2,,,,
  • Ports
  • privileges
    • for corrective actions 1.3.5
    • for sharing job responsibilities 10.2.3
  • Problem Management 2.1.3
  • ProcessManager
    • service used to control the Management Service on Windows systems 27.5
  • program resource utilization 39.15.2
  • purge job
  • purge policy
  • purging policies 20.2.1
    • See data retention policies 20.2




  • tables
    • modifying retention period 20.2.3
  • tablespaces
    • transporting across platforms
  • target
    • definition of 1.1
  • target discovery
  • target monitoring credentials
  • target properties 1.4.2
  • Template Collections 1.4.2, 6.3
    • with administration groups 6.3.5
  • template collections, privileges
  • Threshold Change Frequency, adaptive thresholds 9.2.1
  • thresholds
  • Time-based Static Thresholds 9.3
  • Time-based Static Thresholds, deregistering 9.3.2
  • Time-based Static Thresholds, registering 9.3.1
  • Time-based Thresholds 9
  • touch-and-hold
    • Cloud Control Mobile 45.8
  • trace files
    • controlling the contents of Management Service 28.4.4
    • controlling the size and number of 28.4.3
    • locating Management Agent 28.3.2
    • locating Management Service 28.4.2
    • Management Agent 28.3
    • Oracle Management Service 28.4
  • troubleshooting
    • general techniques while creating the Management Repository 20.4.3
    • Management Service 27.19
    • notifications 3.10.4
    • while creating the Management Repository 20.4
  • Troubleshooting
    • Management Service startup errors 27.19
  • troubleshooting Management Agent 27.20
  • Troubleshooting Management Agent startup errors 27.20
  • Troubleshooting Service Tests 29.11



  • Valid Metric Threshold, determining 9.4
  • verification
  • viewing
  • viewing logs 28.1.1
  • VPN
    • Cloud Control Mobile requirement 45.1


  • Web Application
  • WebLogic Domain Refresh job 15.2
  • weekly metric collection, enabling 44.2.2