Create To Do Entry

Create a To Do entry for the "worst" register read linked to the meter read (determined in the previous section). The To Do type is set to TD-HILO. This section describes the sort fields because they are a bit unusual.

  • If the reading is less than the low limit:
    • If the low percentage is <= VERY-LOW-PERCENTAGE-CUTOFF, create a sort field where:
      • Sort sequence number = 1 (associated with the "very low percentage" sort field)
      • Sort key value = low percentage (calculated above)
  • If the low percentage is > VERY-LOW-PERCENTAGE-CUTOFF, create a sort field where:
    • Sort sequence number = 2 (associated with the "between low and very low percentage" sort field)
    • Sort key value = low percentage
  • Calculate the low amount. This value is a positive number and equals the low limit's consumption - read's consumption
    • Sort sequence number = 3 (associated with "low amount" sort field)
    • Sort key value = low amount
  • If the reading is greater than the high limit:
    • If the high percentage is >= VERY-HIGH-PERCENTAGE-CUTOFF, create a sort field where:
      • Sort sequence number = 4 (associated with the "very high percentage" sort field)
      • Sort key value = high percentage (calculated above)
  • If the high percentage is < VERY-HIGH-PERCENTAGE-CUTOFF, create a sort field where:
    • Sort sequence number = 5 (associated with the "between high and very high percentage" sort field)
    • Sort key value = high percentage
  • Calculate the high amount. This value is a positive number and equals the read's consumption -high limit's consumption
  • Sort sequence number = 6 (associated with "high amount" sort field)
  • Sort key value = high amount
  • Sort sequence 7 equals the low or high amount
  • Sort sequence 8 equals the bill date on/after the current date that linked to a bill cycle associated with accounts linked to the reading's meter configuration's non-abolished service points' non-canceled / non-closed service agreements.
Note: Conditional Sort Fields. The creation of certain sort fields for the entry is conditional. This is unusual, as we have never suppressed a sort field before (i.e., every To Do entry of a given type has referenced every sort field). However, this allows the user to only view certain To Do entries on To Do List when choosing certain sort fields.