Auto Pay Request Type List

The Auto Pay Request Type List zone lists the auto pay request types that are already defined in the system. It contains the following columns:

Column Name Column Description
Auto Pay Request Type Displays the auto pay request type.
Description Displays the description of the auto pay request type.
Edit On clicking the Edit (The Edit Icon) icon, the Auto Pay Request Type screen appears where you can edit the details of the auto pay request type.
Duplicate On clicking the Duplicate (The Duplicate Icon) icon, the Auto Pay Request Type screen appears where you can define an auto pay request type using an existing auto pay request type.
Delete On clicking the Delete (The Delete Icon) icon, you can delete the auto pay request type.
Note: You can delete an auto pay request type only when an auto pay request is not yet created using the auto pay request type.

On clicking the Broadcast (The Broadcast Icon) icon corresponding to an auto pay request type, the Auto Pay Request Type zone appears with the details of the respective auto pay request type.

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Auto Pay Request Type zone Auto Pay Request Type