Deposit Control - Main

The Main page contains core deposit control information. Open this page using Payments, Deposit Control and then navigate to the Main tab.

Description of Page

Deposit Control contains a concatenation of the deposit control's creation date, tender source type, and status.

Deposit Control ID is the system-assigned, unique identifier of the deposit control.

User is the person who created the deposit control.

Create Date/Time is the date and time the deposit control was created.

Tender Source Type is the type of tender control that has been linked to the deposit control. Valid values are: Ad hoc, Auto Pay, Online Cashiering and Lockbox. The system uses this information to prevent tender controls from different sources from being included under the same deposit control. In other words, you can't mix automatic payment, cashiering and lockbox tenders under the same deposit control.

Currency Code is the currency in which the deposit control's tenders are denominated.

Note: The currency code defaults from the installation record.

The summary information that follows contains a summary of the starting balance and the tenders that are linked to the tender control.

  • Starting Balance is the sum of the starting balances from all tender controls linked to the deposit control.
  • Total Tenders Amount is the sum of tenders from all tender controls linked to the deposit control.
  • Total Tender Controls is the number and amount of tender controls linked to the deposit control.
  • Total Tender Deposits is the number and amount of tender deposits linked to the deposit control.
  • Expected Ending Balance is the Total Tender Control minus Total Tender Deposits.
  • Ending Balance is the actual amount of money in the tender control. This amount must equal the Expected Ending Balance before the tender control can be marked as Balanced.
  • Outstanding Over/Under is Ending Balance minus Expected Ending Balance.

Deposit Control Status shows the status of the deposit control. Valid values are Open, Balanced, and Balancing In Progress.

The Balanced User ID and Balanced Date/Time are populated when the status is changed to Balanced.

Use Comments to describing anything unusual about the deposit control.