Payment Event Upload Staging Table

You must create a payment event upload staging record for each payment distribution detail to be uploaded into the system. The name of this table is CI_​PEVT_​DTL_​ST . The following table describes each column on this table.

Column Name Length Req'd Data Type Comments
EXT_​SOURCE_​ID 30 Y A/N This must correspond with an external source ID on one of the defined tender sources. Refer to Setting Up Tender Sources for more information.
EXT_​TRANSMIT_​ID 30 Y A/N This is the unique identifier of the transmission from the external source. This must be a unique value for each transmission from the source.
PEVT_​DTL_​SEQ 12 Y N Unique identifier of the detail record within the transmission. The C1-PEPL1 process uses this field to organize the parallel threads.
PEVT_​STG_​ST_​FLG 4 Y A/N This must be set to 10 (10 is the lookup value that corresponds with the Incomplete state)
DST_​RULE_​CD 12 Y A/N This must be a valid distribution rule. The distribution rule contains the set of algorithms designed to process the staging detail.
DST_​RULE_​VALUE 254 Y A/N This must be a valid value for the characteristic type defined on the distribution rule.
CURRENCY_​CD 3 Y A/N This must be a valid currency code (this would be USD for United States dollars).
TENDER_​AMT 13.2 Y N The amount tendered (i.e., the payment amount).
ACCOUNTING_​DT 10 Y Date This is the payment date that should be used for accounting purposes. This should correspond with an open accounting period.
TENDER_​TYPE_​CD 4 Y A/N This must be a valid tender type. Refer to Setting Up Tender Types for more information.
CHECK_​NBR 10 N A/N This is the check number on the payment.
MICR_​ID 30 N A/N This is the MICR ID associated with the payment tender.
CUST_​ID 15 N A/N This field may be used to record person information.
NAME1 30 N A/N This field may be used to capture additional payment tender information.
EXT_​REFERENCE_​ID 30 N A/N This field may be used to capture external information associated with the payment tender.
MATCH_​TYPE_​CD 8 N A/N See the description of the MATCH_​VALUE field below. Refer to Payments And Match Events for more information about the significance of this field.

MATCH_​VALUE and MATCH_​TYPE_​CD are used in conjunction to indicate that the distribution of the payment should be restricted in some way (i.e., the standard payment distribution algorithm should not be used). MATCH_​TYPE_​CD indicates how the payment should be distributed (e.g., only distribute to a specific contract), MATCH_​VALUE contains the ID of the restriction (e.g., the contract ID).

If MATCH_​TYPE_​CD is specified, it must reference a valid Match Type.

TNDR_​CTL_​ID 10 N A/N Leave this column blank. It will be assigned by the system when it creates a tender control record.

This is the tender account. If left blank, the C1-PEPL1 process will populate this field by calling the Determine Tender Account algorithm defined on the distribution rule.

Note that this Account ID is not necessarily unique as multiple staging details can reference the same tender account.

PAY_​EVENT_​ID 12 N A/N Leave this column blank. It will be assigned by the system when it creates a payment event record.

If left blank, the C1-PEPL1 process will set this field equal to the Tender Account ID.

This field is used for grouping staging records and for organizing parallel threads (in the C1-PEPL2 process). Therefore, it is strongly encouraged that it bears a relationship to the tender account ID.

APAY_​SRC_​CD 12 N A/N This must be a valid auto-pay source code.
EXT_​ACCT_​ID 50 N A/N This is the customer's account number at the financial institution
EXPIRE_​DT 10 N Date This field is only needed if the Tender Type indicates that an expiration date is necessary (e.g., for a credit card payment)
ENTITY_​NAME 64 N A/N This is the customer's name in the financial institution's system