Payment Lifecycle

The following diagram shows the possible lifecycle of a payment.

CAUTION: This diagram only makes sense in the context of the page used to maintain a payment. Refer to Payment - Main for the details.

The figure indicates how a payment moves from one status to another in its lifecycle.

Payments are initially created in the Incomplete state. Payments in this state don't have payment segments or financial transactions; they are simply a stub awaiting distribution.

Click Distribute to distribute a payment amongst an account's contracts.

  • If the system cannot distribute the payment (for whatever reason), the payment is moved to the Error state. You may delete such a payment.
  • If the system successfully distributes a payment, the payment becomes Freezable.

Click the - button to physically remove an Incomplete, Error or Freezable payment from the database.

Click Freeze to freeze a payment and its financial transaction. Freezing the payment causes the following to occur:

  • The system executes any payment freeze algorithms linked to the account's customer class and to the contract's contract type.
  • The payment's state becomes Frozen and the payment may now appear on a customer's bill.

You may not change a payment once it is frozen. However, you may reverse the payment's financial effect by clicking Cancel. Clicking this button will cause the following to occur:

  • A new financial transaction is generated and linked to the payment. This financial transaction reverses the financial effects of the original payment.
  • The system executes any payment cancellation algorithms linked to the account's customer class.
  • If the payment has a related adjustment, this adjustment is also cancelled. Refer to Loan Overpayments for an example of payments with adjustments.
  • The payment becomes Canceled.