Phase 2 - Determine Tender Account

After all tender controls have been created the second step attempts to transition all incomplete records to the pending state.

Each incomplete staging record is processed as follows:

  • If not yet associated with a tender control ID, the process looks for an Open tender control that matches the batch code, batch number and external source ID and links it to the staging record. An error is raised if a matching tender control is not found.
  • Execute the Determine Tender Account algorithm defined on the distribution rule and populate the record with the returned account ID. Note that the algorithm is called even when the tender account is populated to provide for a potential override of the initial value when necessary. An error is raised if a tender account may not be determined.
  • If not already populated, the Pay Event Process ID is set equal to the Tender Account ID. The C1-PEPL2 process uses this field to organize the parallel threads and to group multiple staging details into a single payment event.
  • The staging record is moved to pending state.
  • If any errors occur set the record to Error and create a To Do entry for the error message.
  • If no error occurred, a ToDo cleanup processing takes place to complete ToDo entries previously raised for the staging record.
Fastpath: Refer to ToDo Entries Instead of Exceptions for more information on how ToDo entries are used to capture processing errors.
Note: Note. This step is designed to support execution in parallel threads based upon the sequence number portion of the staging table prime key.