Tender Control Staging

You must create at least one tender control staging record for each batch of payments to be uploaded into the system. The name of this table is CI_​TNDR_​CTL_​ST . The following table describes each column on this table.

Column Name Length Req'd Data Type Comments
EXT_​SOURCE_​ID 30 Y A/N This must correspond with the external source ID on the parent deposit control staging record.
EXT_​TRANSMIT_​ID 30 Y A/N This must correspond with the external transmission ID on the parent deposit control staging record.
EXT_​BATCH_​ID 30 Y A/N This is the unique identifier of the batch of payments in respect of the external transmission ID.
TNDR_​CTL_​STG_​ST_​FLG 2 Y A/N This must be set to 20 (20 is the translate value that corresponds with the Pending state)
TNDR_​CTL_​ID 10 N N Leave this column blank. It will be assigned by the system when it creates a tender control record.
TOT_​TNDR_​AMT 13.2 Y N This column must equal the sum of the payment amounts on the payment tender staging records associated with this tender control staging.
TOT_​TNDR_​CNT 10 Y N This column must equal the number of payment tender staging records associated with this tender control staging.

You must create one or more Payment Tender Staging records for this tender control staging record.