Defining Logical Criteria

When you setup an eligibility criterion, you must define two things:

  • The field to be compared
  • The comparison method

You have the following choices in respect of identifying the field to be compared :

  • You can retrieve a characteristic value linked to any of the following:
    • The contract being billed
    • The contract's account
    • The main person linked to the contract's account
    • In addition, you can also use a characteristic value that is derived while the rate is being calculated (characteristic values can be created by SQ rules, register rules and many other rate component algorithms)
  • You can retrieve the value of a given service quantity
  • You can retrieve the final value of an earlier rate component
  • You can execute an algorithm to retrieve a field value from someplace else in the system. This is a very powerful feature, but it's not terribly intuitive. We'll present a few examples later in this section to illustrate the power of this approach.

You have the following choices in respect of identifying the comparison method :

  • You can choose an operator (e.g., >, <, =, BETWEEN, IN, etc.) and a comparison value.
  • You can execute an algorithm that performs the comparison (and returns TRUE, FALSE or INSUFFICIENT DATA). This is also a very powerful feature, but it's not terribly intuitive. We'll present a few examples later in this section to illustrate the power of this approach.

The Examples Of Rate Component Eligibility Rules provide examples to help you understand this design.