Rate Check - Main

Open Main Menu, Rates, Rate Check to enter the parameters required to check a rate.

Description of Page

Note: Easiest way to use rate check. The easiest way to populate the above parameters is to select an existing bill segment on Bill Segment - Calc Lines and then use the rate schedule context menu to navigate to this transaction. When you do this, the system populates the above fields from the values on the bill segment. After these fields are populated, you can override the defaulted values to check various scenarios.

Indicate the Rate Schedule that you want to test. The version(s) used will be those in effect during the start and end dates. Only validated and finished rate versions will be used.

Note: If Rate Schedule is blank and you enter a Contract ID, the contract's current rate will be defaulted.

While using a Contract ID is not strictly required to check a rate, we strongly recommend finding a representative contract to check a rate. Why? Because charges in a rate may be affected by values in a contract. For example, consider the following types of rate components that use contract-specific values:

  • Rate components with bill factors that are subject to the presence of contract riders. In fact, if a bill factor requires a contract rider and you do not specify a Contract ID rate check assumes that the rider is applicable.
  • Rate components with bill factors that are subject to tax exemptions.
  • Rate components with bill factors with customer-specific prices.
  • Rate components with service quantity (SQ) rules that use characteristics on contract and account.
  • Rate components with SQ rules that use contract quantities.

In other words, if you don't specify a Contract ID, you will not be able to check rates with the above characteristics.

Enter a Bill Seg ID if you want to test the rate with actual usage for a given bill segment. This is useful if you want to compare the actual bill segment results with the results of the same usage under a different rate schedule. If you indicate a Bill Seg ID, rate check's Contract ID will be populated with the bill segment's contract ID (and Contract ID will be protected).

Note: Overriding product/charge type. If you enter a Bill Seg ID, the bill segment's product/charge type will be defaulted into the product/charge type array that follows. You may override this product/charge type to test various scenarios.

You must indicate a Revenue Class. This is needed for applying the appropriate GL distribution code for rate components where the GL account is based on the customer's revenue class.

Enter the Start Date and End Date that you are testing. If a Bill Seg ID is entered, the start and end dates are taken from the bill segment's period, but can be overwritten.

Indicate the Accounting Date. If a Bill Seg ID is entered, the accounting date on the bill segment is used but can be overwritten.

Enter the quantities that you want to test in the quantity collection. For every UOM/ Variance Parameter/ SQI combination, enter a register quantity.

The collection of Characteristic Types and Characteristic Values is used to apply the appropriate bill factor values. If these values are entered, these values will be used to apply the appropriate bill factors (even if you have specified a contract from which characteristics can be derived). If these values are blank AND there is no contract ID, then you will receive an error from the rate application indicating which values are needed.

Indicate the Bill Language to use for the resulting bill calc line descriptions.

When you have entered everything, click on the Check Rate button. This will cause your rate to be applied to the parameters entered above. If the system is successful, you will be transferred to the Calc Lines page on which the resulting calculation details can be viewed.