Sort Key

The following table describes the structure of the sort key that appears on the print record of each quote:
Field Name Format Source/Value/Description
Quote ID A12
Sequence Number N2 The sequence number of the account / person information associated with this quote routing information.
Quote record group A2

10 Quote

20 Quote Detail

30 Quote end

Quote Detail ID A12
Quote Detail record group A2

10 Quote Detail record

20 Contract Terms and Conditions

30 Bill Segment

40 Quote Detail record end

Contract T&C Short Description A60
Bill Segment End Date A10
Bill Segment Id A12
Bill Segment Group A2

10 Bill segment

20 Bill segment calculation group

30 Bill segment read detail

40 Bill segment SQ detail

50 Bill segment end

Bill Calc Header Sequence N2
Bill Calc Header Group A2

10 Bill calculation header

20 Bill calculation line

30 Bill calculation end

Line Seq N4 Defines order of rows for similar record types