An Event May Cause Other Actions to Occur

When an event is generated, there are often other actions that need to take place. For example:

  • If an event is created that allocates points for the customer, you may want to generate a temporary message on the customer's next bill.
  • If a capital credit allocation event is created, the general ledger is affected so an adjustment must be created to post to the general ledger. Refer to Financial Transactions for an Event for more information.
  • If an event is created to add frequent flier miles, the event must be marked for extraction so that the information is sent to the appropriate airline. Refer to Interface Membership Information to a Third Party for more information.
  • If an event to retire capital credits is created, the customer's balance is affected so an adjustment must be created to transfer the capital credit to the members' contracts. Refer to Financial Transactions for an Event for more information.

The system relies on algorithms linked to the event type to perform the actions described above and any other action that may be required by your business.

Fastpath: Refer to Service Credit Event Types for more informationabout the algorithms provided with the base product.
Note: Event Cancellation Algorithms. The event type also defines algorithms to be executed when an event is canceled.